
Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Arbor Day Idiots or Mayor Proclaims Thursday as Arbor Day
National Arbor Day Foundation

The shining example of Hazleton (that’s a joke folks), Mayor Lou has decided in his ‘wisdom’ to declare tomorrow, Thursday, April 22 as Hazleton’s Arbor Day! Hoo-rah! What I mean to say, is ‘What an idiot!’ Arbor Day is celebrated individually by all fifty states at different times from January to May of every year. At least Hazleton could get it together just once and celebrate according to Pennsylvanian tradition, which places Arbor Day on the last Friday of the month of April. So why is Mayor Lou (no relation to Chef Lou, well maybe) bumping it ahead of schedule by a week and a day? Is it to make Hazleton show once again how ‘special’ a place it is? I’d call it Special Ed, but that’s really an insult to those handicapped in that respect. Idiots! Hazleton is a town of idiots (*see Institute Bulletin poll)! Oh and by the way, the Shade Tree Commish is planting a tree at memorial park. I believe that’s in memory of all the trees we DON’T have around here anymore! So for Arbor Day (Friday, April 30th)this year, why not ignore the morons of Hazleton and celebrate Arbor Day most properly by planting a tree no matter what the day (after all the powers-that-be aren’t holding themselves to any traditional schedule). Yes, plant a tree or even just tend to one; clean it up, feed it plant food or give it a bed of mulch (Duu…plants like mulch!).

Earth Day

This Thursday, April 22 is actually Earth Day. Well, no it’s not that either. But everyone celebrates it generally on this day. Ya know, these holidays are getting even more confusing and contradictory then anything we do at the Institute! Anyway, evidently Earth Day was first celebrated in San Francisco on March 21, 1970. However, I think the Druids have been celebrating the Earth for a lot longer then that (and the trees too!). It was started by a fellow named John McConnell now recognized as the Founder of Earth Day, to celebrate and care for the world (we only got one!). It was placed at the March Equinox in order to signify nature’s special day of equilibrium? I dunno. The only practical point that I found in my research is not to disregard April 22nd as an Earth Day celebration and try to better the environment and appreciate nature more so, but that everyday should be Earth Day and that everyday we should try to honor our birth world. Don’t toss trash out yer car window, try to recycle, plant a tree (especially on HazleArborI-Ty Day!). If everyone helps out we live in a cleaner healthier world, not just for one day a year, but everyday! And whatever a Rain Stick is sounds like a waste of time. So don’t bother

*NOTE: Most of the editorial comment on Hazleton Pravda is the sole opinion of Gom ‘Mr. Editor’ Beggar and sometimes may be at odds with Institute policies

Other Earth Day Links:
Wilderness Society
Earth Day Grocery Project
EPA Earth Day Message

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