
Wednesday, April 21, 2004

UPDATE: We at Hazleton Pravda have notice a substantial amount of our traffic has been in conjunction with BizNet Productions and the SCAMS they are trying to hit people with. We hope that our warning that any BizNet Productions are discovered to be scams and pyramid schemes is reaching people and helping them to better secure their time and money in REAL products or operations of legitimate natures. After all, any company or business that mandates its sales representatives and scam pushers NOT to tell you what the company or business is about is just a little underhanded, just a little. If I can’t tell you what I’m selling over the phone or outside one of these meetings then what is it that I’m hiding?

Brush Fire in Stockton

Well, the police and fire authorities claim that an 8 acre fire was started by spark from an illegal campsite fire. I can’t say for sure. If that is the case then it must be stated that one MUST be more responsible especially when making campfires in the woods. Use your heads people. If yer sitting around a fire drinking beer then you know perfectly well that you have an almost inexhaustible fire hose in yer pants. Now, remember: NEVER piss into the wind when putting out a fire cuz that just really smells bad! However, all that aside, the damn fire was probably caused by somebody irresponsibly (note this word again!) tossing a cigarette butt into some brush along the roadside because their ashtray was too full to accommodate that one last stub of a cancer stick! Either way, don’t burn down the woods people. This dump of a town looks bad enough already!

Split Rock: a Time Share Scam

Keeping in the flavor of scam ranting, I thought I’d mention something about the time shares set up at the Split Rock Lodge up in the Poconos. The place was pretty much a dump anyway, but at least at one time you could go rent a villa or a room and party for a weekend or on your vacation, whatever. No more. A place that has very little to offer in the first place (tiny ski slopes, miniscule golf course, drunken snobs in buzzing around the place in golf carts, etc.). However, now you can’t even stay at the place even if you’d care to. It’s all time shares all the time. Evidently the place went under and pulled a chapter 13 just one too many times before being bought out by some scamming time share company. We at Hazleton Pravda had the luxury of sitting in on one of these time share scams a few months back.
They really didn’t have too much to offer except to get a person in the door and signed up with a contractual obligation that just isn’t equitable for the restrictive nature of their contract and policies. This all comes down to people in this area not having any money

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