
Sunday, April 25, 2004

Well, Today pretty much wraps up the Jim Thorpe Earth Day Celebration. It sums itself up on a wet note. Hope everyone did more then enjoy the festivities though. I hope everyone at least tried to be conscious of his or her trash-making consumption and environmentally poor habits. What we do today to better our world’s environment will give us a few more tomorrows (with some luck!). And if you didn’t do anything for or about Earth Day, then take the time to, even it means just cleaning up you own back yard!

To be fair: Here is a link citing the very antithesis of Earth Day here. Now on to other rants!

It’s Sunday today. I hope all the little Catholics took the weekly dose of God before returning to their tarot cards and tea leaves. It sickens me when people are bastards all week long then they go to church, confess their sins and they’re free by Catholic Rites to go ahead and be bitches and bastards to everyone for another week or do whatever they please knowing God is gonna forgive ‘em next Sunday. How liberating a religious experience that must be! Catholics got it all too. They have idol worship (ya know crucifixes or saint statues) and that doesn’t have ANYTHING to do with honoring false gods or anything as far as they are concerned. Catholicism (NOT Christianity) is so nicely deplorable in its forgiving attitude. So long as you put your money in the basket, you are set; good to go! And there are ‘Indulgences’ were by you can buy your way to heaven (or someone else’s; doesn’t really matter). Just so long as the price is right and the Pope got his cut then it’s straight to the pearly gates. Jackie Kennedy did that for our President back in the sixties. Gee, wonder what she thought he might have done to bar him from heaven eternal? Suffice to say, organized religion is a bad thing. Organized religion caught up with slack morals and bent on capitalistic gain to promote itself is just disgusting!

VVNW: Care Packages for Our Soldiers Overseas

Here is an organization I discovered that is helping to alleviate some of the pressures on our soldiers in this multi-fronted war, many of whom are men and women from Pennsylvania. I’m not in favor of war. I AM in favor of taking care of our people. And if a little comfort such as care packages helps then I’m for THAT! The VVnW also has a blood drive program. Check that out!

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