
Saturday, June 05, 2004

Rakishi Comes to Freeland
Yes, on Friday May 28, Rakishi of the WWE came to stink-face Mean Gene Snisky of the WXW. And he did too! It was a smelly large event. Who smelt like alcohol?

Plant to Bring 100 Jobs
Thanks to CANT DO we are gonna have yet another plastic factory camped out in Valmont. Just what we need! I guess there just wasn’t enough PET plastic in Hazleton soil samples, so the powers-that-be started shopping around to increase the toxic plastics margin! Great job CANT DO! Keep up the slave labor and the environmental pollutants! I’m gonna rush out and get an application Monday morning!

DEP Tests Creeks and Wells
They found our water table to be just as GREAT as the soil samples, but admitted that the water samples were just a little on the low side for detergent content. Next week they will conference with Dial to rectify this inequality. On the up side, sulfur and mine run-off were well within expected high concentrations in PPI! The area people MUST be giving cancer to themselves somehow to try to get some govt. monies or something, yeah that’s it (please note the sarcasm).

Luzerne County Official Suspended Without Pay
Oh no, now he’ll have to pull the money out that was insulating the walls of his home! No wait that’s WVIA who does that after every pledge drive then they put on what they want anyway. Bastards!

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