
Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Here are a couple items graciously sent to us by our sibling publication, The Institute Bulletin. Don't forget to check them out on the webring!

A focus on the 'N Word'
Here in the Greater Hazleton Area the term 'nigger' is not racist, nor is it a hip reverse-discriminatory slang. Here it is more a derogatory description generally applied to the hopeless slavish working class regardless of race. As a result Hazleton and its stagnancy influenced surroundings might be the only place on earth where you can find Polish-niggers, Hungarian-niggers, Indian-niggers, Irish-niggers, Puerto Rican-niggers, Austrian-niggers, African-American-niggers, Vietnamese-niggers, and a ton of other hyphenated-niggers side by side, bonded together in endlessly toil. Trapped together in Hazleton's mafioso-gulag tar pit like melting pot, working away in the hellish factories that produce three-year garbage*. Their keepers growing wealthy and obese on their labor, wasting their lives churning the world into garbage for the temporary economic elevation of the few.

* Three-Year Garbage- Typical factory product of the Hazleton Area characterized by being barely practical, generically designed, terribly fragile, overly disposable, and planned obsolescent. Thusly what is product today is garbage tomorrow, or landfill within three years.

Pennsylvania OKs slot machines
Here's a lark. I don't know what's worse, the gullibility of the Pennsylvanian citizenry or the arrogance of it's government. The very notion that one-armed bandits are gonna lower property taxes, help education, or the old bullshit of benefiting senior citizens is mind-blowing. I suppose the backward peasantry of PA deserves another fleecing. The money this will generate comes directly from those it is supposed to help, the poor and the ignorant majority. Taxes will not decline, the schools are already corrupt money pits, and saying healthcare of the elderly is a joke is a gross understatement. However you are swallowing these promises whole, reveling in your stupidity, this Idiot Tax will not help you, but a large percentage will line the pockets and buy outside state real estate for PA's overlords [read politicians]. The wolf waits at your door, and you voted for him.

Thanks Kaph!

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