
Sunday, July 18, 2004

Man loses license after telling doctor about drinking
This story is so outrageous that several of the Institute's contributors were asked to comment for the Institute Bulletin- We at Pravda are proud to reprint these comments to help further 'get the word out' about such usurping of our liberties

Welcome to Pennsylvania Soviet Socialist Republic! With a Big Brother policy that Iron Felix's KGB would have been proud of PennDOT is mandating doctors to violate doctor-patient privacy in the guise of public safety. Yes Pennsylvania has found a way to convict and punish 5000 to 6000 of its innocent citizens annually without trial, due process, or evidence of a crime. This miscarriage of liberties is carried uot secretly with the aid of approximately 40,000 'reports' to the state by doctors turned informants! How can anyone trust their doctors with any lifestyle information again? I doubt Keith Emerich was informed of his medical Miranda rights prior to revealing his private activities to his Physician! That's right- the only safe way to deal with those who may have turned state informer is to assume the first Miranda 'Whatever you say can and will be used against you'. I don't know too many people who could afford a lawyer at their side to get through a medical checkup! How can we conduct honest business with all the service representatives we must deal with without being able to trust them? This is a big step toward a society built on fear! What's next? Who can you trust? Bartender, Beer Store Clerk... I'm starting to have my doubts. State Liquor Store Clerk... don't you believe it! Doctor, no! State bureaucrat, no way! Insurance agent, hell no! Police officer, are you stupid? How about Bank Tellers, Credit Card Companies, Internet Service Providers, Tow Truck Operators, Mechanics, State Vehicle Inspectors, Autobody Mechanics, Utility Service Workers, Medical Transcriptionists, Social Workers, Priests, Garbage Collectors, Neighbors, where does the state sponsored paranoia end? What other codified subterfuge is on the books? Will PA be encouraging state employed educators to use your children as spies under your roof?!! How far will Big Brother go to gather information about your personal life to use against you? Information is power, do you trust the motives of the state to use that power? I can only hope that with this case exposed to the light of public knowledge will get some of you off your asses! We have to send a message to our oppressors! A society cannot function in an atmosphere of paranoia and fear, just ask Gorbachev! We must come together and express our outrage, we must show our support for Mr. Emerich. I would suggest a donation drive for his hearing, a statewide information and petition drive at every alcohol sales point. Spread the word to everyone you can, if just one person's eyes are opened to the truth it is a victory over the state!
Thanx Kaphonius

Good ol PA still living in Colonial times. The state should cater to the people that are stupid enough to stay there and not be such a bunch of fucking panty wastes. Anyone who ever travels out of state will realize how different the rest of the world is, and in most cases, in a good way. Also did you ever hear of "confidentiality" in the medical profession. If anything, they should strip the fucking doctor of his medical license for violating patient confidentiality. Oops...see, I forgot that quick. This is a story from PA. Now I understand.
Thanks Gulag Keith Kong

This is completely unacceptable. Evidently the Hippocratic Oath now just stands for hypocrisy! What the fuck happened to doctor/patient confidentiality?!? What’s the point of going to a doctor who’s gonna turn you in to Big Brother cuz ya drink too much, ya eat red meat, ya got a social disease, your dyslexic, ya read the wrong books, yer hair’s too long? Why go to a doctor now? If you can’t be honest with the person providing you health care, what’s the point of shelling out the $30 or $50 dollars for a visit? You won’t be able to say “I’m sick because….” Or “I don’t feel good because I did this…” How’s he or she gonna know what to do for you? Fuck this! “I hurt my back lifting a keg.” Oh, license gone! “I cut myself on a beer tab.” Gone! Medical privacy vs. public safety is bullshit! The guy wasn’t in a drinking-related incident when he went to sit in the doctor’s office! And who is responsible? How can the Dept of Transportation have any right to such privy information? Isn’t that invasion of privacy? I think the Dept of Trans should be sued and I also think this doctor should be sued and have is medical license REVOKED! The bastards won’t give out his name so ya don’t blackball him and ruin his career! Nevermind, that he’s making life intolerable for the fella whom lost his license for no DAMN good reason! That’s ok, Doc. You go get yourself nine holes in this after while this guy’s life is fucked up by the state! What’s next? Your lawyer turns you in because ya drink at home? A co-worker turns ya in because ya come into work hung over? Where does it end? I say it ends here! I say we the people get on our soapboxes and decry this monstrous intrusion into our personal lives right now. Damn Big Brother and all his surveillance and spy networks! Wake up people! Your freedoms are being taken away, sneaked out the back door while you were asleep!
By Gom

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