
Monday, September 27, 2004

Here is a contribution from a Hazleton Pravda fan turned contributor:

Still Creek Sewer

Well, after years of running a wildcat sewer system, Kline Township, Banks Township and McAdoo finally have a sewage treatment plant to call their own.
Guess this spells an end to the famous "Shit Crick," that dumped itself into the "strippins."
The KBM (how appropriate) Authority held its official dedication of the new treatment plant on Saturday. It was a well-attended event, as refreshments were served.
But, who didn't show up? Come on, you have three guesses.
Right on the first one! The Sub-Slandered-Squeaker (Standard Speaker) didn't even send a photographer to the event. Nobody was surprised.
After five years of hit-and-miss reporting the progress of ending the good ol' days of dumping raw sewage into mine pits, the S-S failed to cover the 'big event.' How typical.
The Objective Observer

Thanks ObOb

Fair Hits Day Two

Everyone's worried the hurricane weather is gonna rain the Fair out. Surprise? Hello! The Fair gets rained out every year! The Carnies keep coming back.

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