
Sunday, September 12, 2004

WVIA Pledging Again and Again

As seems to be the new practice at the local PBS Public Television Station who desperately need money to insulate the walls of their stations and the linings of their clothes for the coming winter season, WVIA now ‘pledges’ –READ: Begs and Pesters for Money on a monthly bases. They have so many corporations backing them already, plus they receive government money just for being a PBS station in the first place. Yet still they choose to interrupt a generous portion of their scheduled viewing, which is already weak and tiresome to bother the viewing audience about how poor they all are at PBS. And if you are foolish enough to send money in support of particular show that you may like, they don’t put the money towards it anyway. Now there are other areas across the country that have not one, but two or three PBS stations, or stations that at least show you SOMETHING you’d actually wanna watch. Not in the NEPA area. But that is par for the course.

Careerlink Abounds with Jobs

Yes, the Careerlink in Hazleton once again has an abundance of low paying slave jobs to choose from, or is that to be chosen for? Since the denizens of *trumpets please* The Greater Hazleton Area have little choice in the type of slavery they can have imposed upon themselves. You have machine operator, which is probably the best factory position you can find, where there’s a whole lotta responsibility, variable pay and production quotas (wonderful production quotas) like at Novapak, or Bemis and the newbie on the block is Simmons. They make mattresses and boy, have they got a hiring scheme for you! First you fill out an application to go to an hour plus seminar, then they bring you back in for testing and even provided you pass their testing process and yet and an interview session, you still may not have the job! Even if they like you, meaning they find you to be just useful enough for slavery, you still might be left out in the cold, jobless and with all that time (probably about a month) wasted jumping through their hoops. Gawd, isn’t great the clientele that CANT DO brings into our area so that we can prosper and grow? Did I say prosper and grow? Well, I was lying just then!
Next in line of the job opportunities is the ever popular warehouse job at places like Michael’s and Office Max. Excuse me, these are places called distribution centers, yeah right! Warehousing is a growing workforce in the area. You can pick or you can stack, but you’ll always break your back. These places are wild. There is always clerical errors over inventory, so much so that the places turn into madhouses when management is under fire to fix the inventory and everyone on the floor has to run around like pharaoh’s coming to town and the pyramid ain’t done! There can be nothing more stressful they being required to do more then you can in less time than is possible. When you are working between 60 and 80 hours a week, the overtime can’t be so important to you –You have no life. What’s the good of money then?
And finally the Universal job at both the above types of ‘business’: The forklift operator. Here is a position that no factory or warehouse can be without. Load the trucks—Unload the trucks. Take a moment’s break and do it all again. An endless cycle of digging into the backs of tractor-trailers and spinning around the warehouse trying to jam stuff into loading zones one on top of another till you reach the ceiling.
The vast opportunities for advancement and job security in Hazleton are just staggering. All these above dead end jobs are guaranteed to beat the life out of you before you retire. So when choosing a job in Hazleton, choose wisely.

Funfest 2004
Hazleton Funfest

Well last and least, Freakfest is here again. Another year, another pathetic attempt by the powers-that-be to placate the ground under denizens of Hazleton with silly Carnie tricks, cheap food and bad music. And even though Jan Lewan remains behind bars, there is most likely the grinding wheeze of accordions churning out polka music, while all the wonderful Hazleton businesses tout there names in advertisements. Thank Gawd, this will all be over after today…until next year. Uggh!

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