
Saturday, January 15, 2005

After the Storm—Ice Storm Paralyzes Hazleton

Well, power was out, roads were closed and it was all a general mess. Business as usual? When things like this happen there should be cause for generosity and community. People should try to help one another. Businesses should waive their staunch attendance polices and not worry about how much tons of product (junk) was missed cuz Joe Public couldn’t make it to the factory line. The people of Hazleton need more community, but what they don’t under stand is that people have to create community. It doesn’t fall out of the sky just because the area got an ice storm. It involves helping others and being able to ask for help yourself. If Hazleton denizens would stand up and make changes around here, then life wouldn’t be so intolerable and wouldn’t be made so much more the worse by unexpected weather and circumstances.

More Work For Troopers Means Fewer Tickets Issued

Another intolerable thing about cops in Pennsyltucky. They are crying because they’re not getting the revenue they’ve come to expect from all the tickets they love to give. Well we at Hazleton Pravda took the time to figure out that the revenue they usually bring in is something like $42 million. And the stats are something like 1 in 6 people get a ticket every year in PA. That’s ridiculous. There’s no need to serve and protect us that much, dammit. PA DOES NOT NEED MORE COPS! PA DOES NOT NEED MORE REVENUE FROM TICKETING!

Quiznos Does Exists in Hazleton

We at Hazleton Pravda still don’t care! Learn how to cook for yourself. It’s cheaper and healthier.

Protect and Serve? –Barletta Swears in More Cops #@!?%!$?!@*&@#@!$#?

There just aren’t enough swear words or languages to express the outrageousness of the fact that it was written down in the Speaker that the two new pigs were sworn in “to protect and serve Hazleton.” That’s Hazlespeak (a Doyna Yar term) for oppress and hand out tickets to the denizens of Hazleton serving the agenda of the powers that be! Hazleton DOES NOT NEED MORE COPS! Hazleton NEEDS to replace the powers that be with good and honest people who actually care about the denizens (walking dead) of Hazleton, not just the contents of their wallets!

HASB Seeks Revision

Well, this is a very positive thing. Sounds outta place. It seems the school board wants to make it easier for teachers and students to get the things they need to actual teach and learn respectively, including a ‘student giveaway’ of PC computers. I think I’m looking at the wrong newspaper. Further ‘surplus’ is said to be planned for distribution to the public. Huh?
Apparently the students find the idea laughable because the computers are so outdated, but hey, what do you want for free? Provided that’s the case. I keep looking this article over for a catch-22, but can’t seem to find one. Wow!

Edible Sushi at the Pocono Market Fair

Compiled by our new correspondent Scoop Donkey

Well, there’s not much to do in Hazleton. We already know that. But at least now there’s sushi. Now we don’t have to travel to Wilkes-Barre (read: Big Hazleton with dumb streets) just for good sushi. It’s still not as good as what you get in New York, but I didn’t die. The only bad thing is this Market-Fair-Widget-Gig-Scam is only open Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Now what if I wake up on a Tuesday and have a hankering for raw fish to be wrapped in seaweed paper and shoved down my throat, huh? Then I’ve got to thaw out some raw fish, and at 7am that’s a pain and I’ve got to make the rice then I’ve got to roll it all up. What if I don’t have any avocados? They don’t grow on trees (around here)! Not to mention getting wasabi or pickled ginger! Suffice to say the sushi bar at the Market-Thingy is a welcome new and safe shop to eat at. The ‘Taste of New York’ shop looked like a good place too, but they weren’t open. Well jeez, there’s always next weekend. Happy dining! Hazleton approaches the 1980's!

Thanx Scoop

Some Are Still Roughing It

This should open everyone’s eyes about being prepared. Although we live in a the most technologically advanced country on Earth, it only takes a thing like this ice storm to knock out communication and power bringing everything to a standstill. And being prepared doesn’t mean having a few extra batteries for the flashlight either. It means food, water, a power unit, etc. Hazleton Pravda will have to come back to this matter to discuss it all in more detail, but the bottom line is a little common sense people!

Veterans Organizations Fading Away

This is a shame, but is it just that times are changing along with habits of the newer armed service men and women along with the passing of many veterans of the wars of last century? Or is this neglect and apathy on the part of the community to properly keep these long running traditions afloat? Support our troops and support our veterans.

Man Assaults Policeman Trying to Evict Him Goes to Jail

“Your violent actions toward law enforcement officers are unexplainable and inexcusable…They jury spoke in this case. They decided you were guilty.”—Judge Michael Toole.
Yeah, he’s a tool all right. The man, Gaetano Dianese (and his wife) were trying to keep from being thrown out on the street in January of 2004, ya know…winter? So because the guy didn’t say, “Yes please throw me out in the cold, and could you hit me a couple of times in the knees with your nightstick,” he’s no good!

Compassion Club

Well, that really sounds out of place in Hazleton, but it is for a good cause. HAHS students are collecting donations for tsunami victims. Hazleton Pravda thinks this is a worthy cause, we just hope the money actually makes it out there. Hazleton Pravda applauds any efforts for helping the world community.
The only real thing that is ridiculous is that every time something needs to be done, be it a fundraiser or bake sale or whatever; they always make the kids do all the work. Hey! Fucking supposed adults, you get off yer asses and lead by example! Take the time to do something other then to delegate responsibility.

Standoff Ends in Death

Just another instance where it looks like arrogant cops and nosey neighbors intrude on some private citizen’s life and back the poor sonovabitch against the wall. It’s never explained properly why the cops had to dragnet around this guy’s house or why they had to rush in and break down his door. Its not even properly explained why the guy is dead. It’s the same-old, same-old for this area. The cops called on a bullhorn to the guy saying, “we can work this out.” Work what out? The cops “were responding to reports of a man who had been barricaded inside [his house] with a firearm,” according to the Speaker. That means the guy locked his door and owns a gun. Doesn’t it? Last heard these were rights upheld by the Constitution. Of course, real laws don’t apply around dis here coal crackin re—gion! It’s getting tiresome to even be mentioning it, except that Hazleton Pravda is committed to showing these unspoken truths to try to make people aware.

*Singing* That’s the way, uh-huh, uh-huh. Cops like it! Da-duh-duh! That’s the way, uh-huh, uh-huh That’s the way they like it! Da-duh-duh! (Everybody sing!) (Now just the cops!) (Now just the poor citizen whose house was invaded and is lying dead on the floor with no justifiable cause mentioned!)

El Mensajero Lets Hazleton Pravda Down

The primer Hispanic magazine, y el mas grandes periodico del Hazleton has given in to the decaying ways of Hazleton by doing an article on “First Night Hazleton”. The staff of HP held high hopes for this Latino publication, but now we see it’s gonna be watered down with mine water and Hazleton suck-ass mentality. And the locals here were worried that the Hispanics would never fit in?


The Weekender’s really grabbing for the bottom of the barrel with THIS nonsense. Who’s writing this crap? When are they gonna learn that there’ nothing to do in Hazleton except work and be old??? And what’s this Weekender South nonsense? Go south. Bloomsburg actually has things to do! It’s a college town! And forget Berwick! They’re just hoping to one day grow into being part of Hazleton. And Hazleton’s a factory town…lemme rephrase that: Hazleton is a factory ghetto…lemme rephrase that again: Hazleton’s a gulag, a death camp and a strip mine, a strip mine that ought to be filled in!

Neil Rodino Mourns Dead in Hopes of Getting His Wings (Red, White & Green)

Taking some time out of his fabulous tours around the dumpy bi-ways of the *trumpets please* Greater Hazleton Area to mourn one of the fallen deigos (heroes according to those with too many vowels in their names), Rodino once again has someone write something about how great another dead wop is. This particular deigo is one of Rodino’s own clan, so naturally he’s going on even more about how great the guy was. It seems Rodino realizes just how much of a bastard he is, and he’s hoping to eulogize everyone who’s ass he’s had his nose up for the last 30-40 years in hopes of going to heaven or where ever deigos go when they die. Rome? A better suggestion would be Pompeii or Herculaneum in AD 79 just before Vesuvius blows its stack! Unfortunately for Rodino, he hasn’t got too much in the way of brains and doesn’t realize that mourning the dead people who oppressed this area and tied up the money in foolish and wop-ish things are no good carpet-deigos* and will not help him get his deisgo-flag colored wings. This all only goes to show that Rodino is feeling his mortality. It will be so good when Panorama is no more, and can no longer bleed local business dry by wasting trees and making more trash to be burned each month.

Carpet-deigos –carpetbaggers who are just too lazy and stupid to actually even get fleecing people right.

School Developer May Get Partner

So now this backdoor deal with the Kingston firm getting A D Thomas gets even more shady. Now Catholic Charities are looking to contribute in this cheap ass apartment building idea. They call it “affordable housing” but that’s just another euphemism for poverty level CAN DO slave quarters. And organized religion (said laughably) should be bared from anything to do with the private sector. Unless they own the property why should the churchies be involved? If they have money to give away, why not give it to the poor saps who are gonna be forced to live in this planned-dive?

Burglars Target Freeland Businesses

While admittedly; times are tough, this is an inexcusable crime. And you won’t often here that at HP! Someone stole the donation money for the family of Paul D. Karpowich from the Greco Apothecary. Disgusting! It’s one thing to take from those who have too much, but this act desecrates not only the memory of a local soldier who has given his life for his country, but also his family and friends who mourn him! Where is American pride? Dead and buried under the slate banks of the Hazleton area.

Butler Nurse Loses License

Another example of how the medical industry in Hazleton is just as crooked and demoralized as any other Hazleton institution or service. The lack of mores filters down from the top of the Hazleton pyramid all the way down to the bottom feeders who exist by prolonging the lives of the geriatric masses of Hazleton, which by the way makes for quantity of life not quality! Anyway, this goofy nurse with a gambling problem borrows money from geriatrics living at Providence Place (one of many old folks dead zones) and she rewrites the checks for more money (sounds similar to what the powers that be do when they apply for state and federal aid). The thing is: How can these people be taking care of other people in the first place? You got to be a real freak to steal the false teeth out of the elderly like this. And for what? Gambling? That’s just stupid! And to say that she has a gambling problem on top of it all? Gambling is not a disease it is a choice, a stupid choice, but a choice nonetheless. The woman is diseased by gambling, she’s just foolish and has no self-control. And so far she’s only lost her license to practice health care? Why the hell isn’t SHE in jail? Or at the very least why isn’t she having to work off her debt to the people she fleeced?

‘Team Effort’
A rant by Doyna Yar

Whether seeking employment via the multi-tired interview process* or already work in a one sided politically correct box you no doubt have been bombarded to no end with the pc term ‘team effort’. In the real world ‘team effort’ is a confidence and morale building concept for company-employee relations. Not here in the Greater Hazleton Cluster baby! Here ‘team effort’ is a one sided mantra aimed at twisting every last waking effort from the wage-slaves whether on the clock or those cold and lonely hours at home that revolve around getting back to the plant. They spout this mind-numbing term like God said it to Moses or sumthin! You’ll hear it candy-coated so much you might get diabetes! But the truth of the matter is you will never hear it uttered if you have a problem or need. NO! It is verboten for workers troubles with health, transportation, family, legal, or otherwise. Why, because ‘team’ is Hazlespeak for ‘company’ and you are quite disposable to them.

I realize some of you think I’m beating a dead horse. But if I can get one of you to stop starring at the floor, kowtowing, and look out to the optimistic horizon, and then the draining world around you then maybe you will start to think[!] and make a change for the better. Remember, they only get away with their dehumanizing transgressions because we let them. If enough people say no they will have to change! It has to start somewhere...

What if they opened a plant and nobody applied? The world wonders…

* multi-tired interview process- read as how to waste a month of your valuable time competing with 20,000 applicants for one outta 25 positions at a supposed ‘great plant to get into’

Thanx Doyna Yar

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