
Saturday, September 03, 2005

The Party’s Over – Luck [and hypocrisy] Runs Out for the Big Easy
R.I.P. old friend, ...and your house of straw
A colored plea for aid by Doyna Yar

I will try to be brief as I am very emotionally fluxed on many levels, as I am sure are many Americans who feel absolutely helpless to change the deplorable situation on the ground in the Gulf, and particularly the obvious governmental relief failing to New Orleans. I must implore everyone in this nation within reach of my words to please donate of themselves money or skills to this most tragic of national disasters. Katrina has been a cruel mistress to the Gulf area and we all share some part to blame. It has been no secret that New Orleans has been a disaster waiting to happen for at least the past 2 generations. The shortcomings of our capitalist greed, civil apathy, cyclic political shortsightedness, and pure blissful ignorance are squarely to blame for our inadequacies in preventing this disaster. Compounding that has been the gross negligence of political leadership on the state level to articulate clearly and to a second fiddle FEMA exactly what is needed. It is enough to bring a grown man to tears. The result is far too little, far too late regardless of the tireless efforts of the heroes manning the front lines of aid. I hope to have further comments on the failings and hindsight later posted more appropriately on HP's globally oriented older brother blog, The Institute Bulletin, in coming days. The point is that the majority of us ourselves cannot help there on the ground now or in the near future. What we can do is make things easier once the bureaucratic weenies finally get our brothers, sisters, and fellow Americans out of immediate danger. We must give now and pull together to fill the collective gaps the best governmental plans has left in its ignorance of the human dynamics. There are literally millions who have been displaced- no home, no job, no food, no water, and very little dignity in light of both anarchy and civil rights abuses by authorities. We are nowhere near thru this. It may take a year just to get the city dry and insurance applied for, let alone the crazy notion of rebuilding below sea level again! Over the next year these people will seek housing, education, healthcare, and work throughout the entire nation! I, myself, have donated sizably to the Red Cross 2 days ago, and though it hurts I may again real soon. I know the majority of Hazleton Area folks don’t have much to spare. The local haves may not give a damn, but we are better people. If we can each cut out a pack of smokes, a few drinks, a few lottery tickets, and Vatican salvation extortion [prayers may sound nice, but canned soup will go farther] maybe we can make a real difference and be able to look in the mirror without shame. Living here in Hazleton makes us all angry, ignorant, and assholes toward each other compounding our problems- serving the 'divide and conquer' pharoses of the Greater Hazleton Cluster. Does that mean we have lost all compassion and humanity for the world? If you cannot donate, then raise your voices! Call, write and tell our politicians. Demand an answer to what Pennsylvania, AND HAZLETON is doing to help and don’t fall for political side stepping!!!! Mark my words that after the smoke has cleared heads will roll for this most grave mismanagement of disaster relief! In the end accountability will rule the day! I can only hope that America's enemies around the world from Pyongyang to Tehran or otherwise do not miscalculate this as a sign of weakness, or worse yet an opportunity to strike. JOY! There's a great thought. Well so much for being short… have a nice day.

Here are some links care of CNN where you can help with the lever that is money! Remember that no donation is too small to help. If you are thinking of helping, don't wait and regret it.
Want to help?

Thank you for your time and compassion.
Doyna Yar

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