
Sunday, February 19, 2006

Drums Man Stabbed in State College

That’s just weird. Is even State College degenerating?

Strong Winds Buffet Area

Wow! The Standard Speaker makes headlines by stepping outside and going, hey! It’s cold and windy, du-huh? Great job guys!

Weekender Touts Staff Little Else

I guess the premier publication of ‘What Ta Do’ in the area can’t be faulted too much. After all, there is NOTHING to do from Wilkes-Barre/Scranton (except maybe leave via the airport!) all the way down to Berwick and Bloomsburg except spend money wastefully and watch local bands do anything but BE creative. Of course nobody seems to want creative. As a rule it seems that is a MAJOR break in local edict. Just dance like morons and go back to work on Monday. Still, if the Weekender would just stop plastering their super-journalist faces all over their paper and knock-off all the high school quality articles, then maybe they might have time to dig down and find some actual stuff to do around here, REAL places to go and things to do. If they were really clever, which it seems they’re not, then they would help to create events, make things happen that are worth while to see. ‘How do you do that?’ you ask? Well, HP ain’t gonna give ya all the answers. Try using your OWN gray matter for a change, think people! You want something better, make it better! Go out and get it before it is squandered away! The Sex Issue? Come on! Now if Ron Jeremy was back in the pages, well…

Lupas Blasts HASB Directors Following Criticism of Dirt Case

Never criticize the quality of OUR dirt, I mean the powers-that-be. If they don’t wanna do their jobs it’s their prerogative. Remember, in Hazleton and North East PA our elected officials own us. It’s not like we voted them their jobs or anything. And we shouldn’t put pressure on them to do their jobs when they have so many luncheons to attend, and don’t forget there’s golf that needs to be played! Leave our elected officials to their more important duties like that. Besides, it’s Hazleton. We are expected to be raped and pillaged by outsiders as well as our own scum. That’s why we pay taxes, ya know?

Cheney Takes Full Blame

Now HP usually doesn’t discuss national news here. We leave that to our sister forum The Institute Bulletin, but here is a special case that hits home to the slate-y hills of North East Pennsyltucky. What Cheney did SHOULD be considered an accident, hello? If all the hunting gun-play that goes on around here with wild drunken rednecks was ever reported, well…Let’s just say hunting would probably be outlawed here and all guns taken away for the public good. People are always shooting each other like bumpkins and no one EVER has to prostrate himself before anyone cuz he dun skinned his buddy! Yeah, the guy had a heart attack. I think you would to if yer were shot in the face with a shotgun spray. There are local stories of people killing each other out in the woods around here every season. And besides the guy's a lawyer. They're no good anyway! The point is that, hey! accidents happen when hunting. Leave the Vice President alone; he’s got a WHOLE country to run from behind the scenes as it is. And all of you out there go get some hunter training courses under yer buckled belts!

Editor's Note: We at HP are completely against the removal of guns from private citizen's. It is a Constitutional right that we back and support wholeheartedly.

No Charges To Be Filed in Dirt Case

I thought North East PA had the ‘best’ dirt in the state? What happen? We love the term ‘misplaced dirt’ from Harman-Geist stadium. So some ‘imported’ dirt was stolen. Maybe somebody can now grow something other then slate rock and coal ash in their backyard. Hey! Just look for someone with a REAL yard of grass or maybe a victory garden this spring in the heart of Hazleton, a.k.a. Pothole City and you’ve found yer culprit! Nothing GROWS in Hazleton except the weeds in the sidewalk cracks and even they struggle. Oh, and don't forget the piles of garbage come spring 'clean-up'! But remember everyone: We still have the BEST dirt!

Snow Buries Northeast

The Freaky Speaker then follows this headline and gives us a subtitle of ‘About 6 inches falls on Greater Hazleton.’ They almost sound disappointed that we didn’t get inundated! And then the article goes into facts about areas that REALLY got snow, ya know the actual factual news. That must have really killed the Speaker to report credible facts. Poor Hazleton. No snow. No trumpets.

‘Castle’ Changes Could Save HASD $1M

Well, gee. If they wouldn’t have let the building fall into disrepair in the first place and have it sacked by local carpetbaggers and thieves then they wouldn’t have had to invest so damn much in the first place.
As Doyna Yar (HP Writer) pointed out, however...This is all aimed at generating work, I'm sorry, I mean bids and money-s for the first families of local construction. The NEW high school didn't NEED to be made back in the early ninties. And leaving the old Hazleton HS to fall into disrepair allows for SO MANY contracts to flow throw SO MANY fingers to NOW renovate the old HAZ HS and put money in so many pockets that are NOT the common denizen of Hazleton. Thanks to Doyna for his insights.

Firm, HASB Discuss Possible Deal

CANT DO does the backdoor deal again. Hey at least THIS company will stay for TEN years before packing off to greener pastures. I guess a FIVE year tax break just don’t cut it no more. When do the people of the *TRUMPETS PLEASE* Greater Hazleton Area get a break?
Naturally, the big wigs tried to make this ‘discussion’ into a closed-door-status according to the Speaker, but surprisingly it was made public. So that means the deal will either fall through, OR the deal has already long since been made to the satisfaction of the powers that be. And the public gets another show.

Council Considers Noise Law Proposal

Does this include keeping loud mouth Deigos quiet? If so, HP is all for it!

Accused Killer’s Defenders to Get Help

We, at HP have been following this case casually. The influx of people from New Jersey and New York and the peoples farther South has been a strain on our backward community (word ‘community’ said laughably). There have been comments by the local white folk of there being a race war in Hazleton to blaming the Hispanics for every petty to major crime around here. All we can see are a lot more cops wasting tax money and concentrating on traffic violations anyway. Thanks Mayor Lou!
Otherwise, we have little to say of the case, except that we hope a ‘shrine’ doesn’t remain erected over the murder site forever.

COMMENT from a denizen of Hazleton: “I don’t care if they kill each other, just as long as they leave me and my family alone!”

Barletta Heads to Capitol

This is TOO easy! Shouldn’t it read Barletta Climbs Ladder AND Ignores Responsibilities in Hazleton? Why is Mayor Lou representing ANYTHING to the UN? Is it to show the Third World that things are lousy and mismanaged everywhere? Even in the United States? So many questions, so much pasta. This World Urban Forum III that he’s attending sounds like another project that’s making the world SAFER FOR POVERTY!

COMMENT from a denizen of Hazleton: “Mayor Lou, when are ya gonna take off the rose colored glasses?”

Writing on the Wall: Gang graffiti, attire have sophisticated meaning, purpose

Editor’s Note:—YOU are overqualified to work at the Speaker if you DONE HAS Spellcheck

All I can see is Richard Dreyfuss sitting in front of his mashed potato mound going: “This means something!” or more poignantly when Weird Al Yankovic did the same thing in HIS movie UHF simply because that underscores the WHOLE ludicrous-ness of the Standard Speaker article about graffiti in Hazleton. Well, it’s the SPEAKER. It’s supposed to be ludicrous. They wouldn’t write it any other way! But there has been graffiti on walls and in this town for the past ten or fifteen years. Big deal! That’s what happens when you invite the inner city to revamp Hazleton, you get metro-kind of things happening. Pandering to Hispanic paranoia. Big deal. There’s graffiti around now. It makes the broken down buildings look better anyway. Hell, it’s probably the first paint job some of these dumps have gotten in thirty years!

Panorama Still Only Good for Starting Campfires

Another month, another waste of a perfectly good tree. Panorama, still catering to the undead of Hazleton, is also still wallowing in the ‘good times’ that NEVER existed in Hazleton way back when. Schuylkill County Plus is still STILL far better.

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