
Sunday, March 12, 2006


It seems the powers that be have done their best to hide and squash any and all resistance to their grand and deplorable scheme of trucking in MORE crap to this already filthy unkempt area. But we at HP managed to stumble onto some remaining local resistance. That’s right, folks! Not everyone’s back has been broken by those who wish to be our carpetbagging overlords! On local channel 19, the message channel is a quick and obscure mention of a meeting for SUFFER: Area Residents Against Dredge. This organization is having their meeting MARCH 14th at 7 PM at Lobitz Catering Hall on 940. Everyone who can attend please do. Stop the dredge before we are swimming in other people’s filth.

We would like to ask anyone with more information to contact Hazleton Pravda. Contacts are to the left of this website.

Hometown Hazards

This is another site with information about the DREDGE DREAD and links to other sites as well. HP highly recommends concerned peoples check this out.

Moon River

The Standard Speaker, premier paper for getting the fire started on damp days reports there is liquid water on a far off moon of Saturn. They however neglected to follow this with a local interest story that there is water on the brains of their staff as well.

Directors Resign From HASB Committes

According to the Standard Speaker “Two minority Hazleton Area school directors resigned from their committees, saying politics are preventing them improving education in the district.” Now let’s be fair folks. It’s more truthful to say that the local politics, politicians, CANT DO and the-powers-that-be are preventing EVERYTHING from improving in Hazleton. ENJOY! ENJOY!

Back in Black

When the Standard Speaker starts using AC/DC references to headline it’s so-called news then that must be a sign of the apocalypse. Sure the article refers to Hazleton General Hospital being in the black financially, but that is because of all the cutbacks, the gauging medical costs to the public, and the fact that their largest clientele the walking geriatric dead still out number the rest of us who are just the WORKING dead. How could HGH NOT be making money hand over fist even in Hazleton?

Medashefski Makes Announcement

Concerning and it seems confirming his rumored bid to run for Mayor of Hazle-Dump, i.e. Hazleton, John Medashefski quoted the right honorable Bob Dylan saying: “You better start swimming or sink like a stone, cause the times they are a-changing.”

John Medashefski as mayor, boy I am glad I moved out of Hazleton. The farthur the way the better.

Mayor of what?
Oh yeah, and maybe he can redecorate the mayor's office in paper mache.

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