
Sunday, April 23, 2006

HASD May Require Student Uniforms

What????? Teachers leave them kids alone! Why isn’t HASD more concerned with teaching kids how read and think and grow into complete human beings? Oh yeah. This is Hazleton. All the area requires is slave labor to chew up endlessly. So might as well start turning all these kids into clock punching drones as soon as possible, eh? It’s not bad enough that parents have enough to do providing kids with regular clothes and invisible backpacks and money for the pig slop that is cafeteria food. Now they’ll have another expense dumped in their laps. Hope there’s more overtime coming up. And don’t worry, cuz there iz!

Suspect in Fatal Shooting Pleads Guilty

“Yes, I killed ‘Flaco,’” Sanchez replied in Spanish. Guess that makes sense to admit it since like one hundred people saw the drive-by. What’s a shame is that this kid’s life is over now. He’ll never really know Hazleton factory bliss.

Christians Mark Good Friday

Yes, this is old news, but we at HP just wanted to remark how similar the re-enacting of Christ’s crucifixion is travelling to work at either the Valmont, Humboldt or Crestwood Industrial Parks. You’ve got a giant cross to bear, you’re being beaten and bloodied. No wonder the locals celebrate Easter in this area with such enthusiasm. They identify more with Christ on this day then any other, plus the people are totally dumbstruck by receiving a day off of the line!

HASD Calendar Hinges on ‘Castle’

The ‘Castle’s obviously behind schedule cuz not all the kickbacks and pay-offs have gone through quick enough to grease all the greasy fingers in this rotten town.

DEP Chief: PA Close to Getting Ethanol Plant

You have to wonder if this is all crap or not, like all the times GM Motors or Ford were coming to the area. It’s seems far too environmentally safe for it to have any place in this area. Now what we really need is a plant that processes the ancient and the money-changers around here into some form of useful material.

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