
Thursday, June 22, 2006

Here is another official release from the John Medashefski for Mayor Camp sent to Hazleton Pravda in reaction to the recent glut of press coverage that Mayor Lou has garnered for himself:

Barletta Burrito Blitz

“7 Years Too Late”

Seven years ago, Mr. Barletta accused Mr. Marsicano about “showboating.” What an accusation!

Here we are 7 years later. Mr. Barletta has won not only an Emmy, but now he’s working on an Oscar.

In my opinion, and as far as showboating goes Mr. Marsicano had a LOT more integrity and guts then our present mayor. Two weeks prior to this sudden blasting of illegal immigrants, Mr. Barletta was trying diligently to get a Hispanic baseball league together! Now look! It’s two weeks later and what do you know? Mr. Barletta comes up with another thoughtless plan (someone else’s) which really only puts the spotlight on him. It’s a form of plagiarism, ya gotta admit. These ideas have been thrown around by other people for a while now.

And I’d like to know how he’s going to enforce them anyway. How was he going to enforce a Spanish baseball team to speak English? Answer me that? He hasn’t enforced one thing yet in his whole administration—Yet alone this new ‘measure.’ And why burden the landlords? It’s the city’s responsibility to deal with tenants under these circumstances—Not just the landlords. Back ground checks are everyone’s responsibility. Where Mr. Barletta says, and I quote: “There may be some undesirables that don’t want to register;” Well that’s just dodging the issue. Mr. Barletta cheats on himself and the whole city. He blossoms big and then runs and hides. In my personal opinion I do not think Mr. Barletta has an original idea, or ever has. He’s very good at using other people’s ideas, I’ll give him that. What do you call that? A mimic?

—John Medashefski

Hazleton Pravda does not know the sources for this material and is publishing this document as is.

—Gombeggar, Editor

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