
Thursday, July 20, 2006

Woman Seeks Answers from Troopers

“State police officials aren’t talking because of the ongoing investigation…” according to the Standard Speaker. *Singing* ‘To serve and protect; Let you break your neck—It’s Po—lice! It’s Po—lice! They play the heavies. Their hearts are made of wood!’ This just sounds like another case of police negligence, and general (instilled and ingrained) apathy towards the general public. This elderly man was handcuffed behind his back and allowed to fall face first onto concrete. You mean to say two able-bodied troopers couldn’t have prevented this incident which evidently took the man’s life according to the newspaper? Brainwashed and disassociated is NOT the kind of police force we want or need.

PCN Viewers Support Mayor’s Illegal Immigration Relief Act

Now if he only enforces it…
On side note it seems the Speaker HAS found so more happy Mayor Lou pictures to post. If they were reading HP and took note of that—Let us STRESS—WE DON’T WANT TO SEE ANYMORE HAPPY mayor lou PHOTOS!

PA House Panel Tackling Illegal Immigration

So now the next level of inactive politicians wants to get in on the act?

Barletta: City’s Act Has Influence Nationally

But the accompanying picture is not a happy Mayor Lou. It’s a sad Mayor ‘Il Zilcho’ Lou…Is feeling his fifteen minutes of fame waning, ahh—Poor Mayor Lou.

School Board Oks Change Orders, Credits at ‘Castle’

More money; more palm greasing. And guess what folks? YOU are gonna have to pay for it all in the end.

Flood Damage Meeting Fri.

At 7PM at the Educational Conference Center of LCCC…Be there or be wet!


The anti-dredge organization is still in effect and can be contacted at:

P O Box 161
Milnesville, PA. 18239

Fight the dredge before the powers that be drowned us in this trucked in filth.

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