
Sunday, August 20, 2006


Barletta :We Won’t Be Bullied

In quotes it should read: “We won’t be bullied cuz that’s our job! Henna?”

Well, that says more then enough really. The backlash has begun. Our pompous heads are about to make a problem THEY created even worse. That’s OK. Mayor Lou will be in the senate by the time this is all really worked out. And it will be on the heads of the denizens of Hazleton to pay for this gigantic PUBLICITY STUNT. There was a glimmer of prosperity beginning in this dump town and that had to be quashed because the right palms weren’t greased enough.

Tempers Flare at HASB Dress Code Committee Meeting

Why’s that? Did someone foolish mention education? Learning amid all these IMPORTANT issues? These nutcases wanna spend $12,900 on metal detectors. It’s not a school. It’s fucking prison! Security grants of $10,000 in question? Does anyone have any idea what that kind of money could do if they just bought fucking books and pencils instead? Guess we’ll never find out, but either way you and I will pay for it through taxes. Discussing whether or not hooded sweatshirts could be worn is fucking madness. Why not GRANT some of that ‘security’ money to parents for buying their kids a whole new stupid wardrobe? The editor of HP can not say ‘fuck’ in response to this nonsense enough. He’s saying it more times then his agile fingers can even type. What nonsense this town, this area creates for itself as it slowly falls into a mineshaft of it’s own creation is unbelievable.

Industrial Park Water Line Ruptures

‘Hundreds of homes in Hazleton, Hazle Township lose pressure’ according to the Speaker. CAN DO doesn’t care, or at least they don’t seem to. Guess they don’t want the bill. So you the taxpayer pays for it.

GHHA Treats All Patients, CEO Says

Someone was allegedly turned away due to a ‘communication problem’ at a local hospital. If that someone was smart he or she should have turned and run anyway. Healthcare in Hazleton is notoriously poor baring down on disgusting and overpriced. But immediately they are blaming this IIRA and lawsuit again. Well, the IIRA is just dumb, and the healthcare in Hazleton is just bad. The two things have little to do with each other besides the fact that the quality of ANYTHING you get in Hazleton is horrid. The GHHA probably saved a life by turning this person away.

Money Starts Rolling to Defend IIRA

Kickbacks and Paybacks, hmm. Moneys from what matresses? They can garner the internet for a site to give money to halt the only prosperity in sight of this dumptown, but the Speaker can’t update their own website, oh but they can give you spider-man reissues. Madness. We get so many complaints about the Speaker here at HP.

City’s Legal Team in Place for IIRA Suit

Too bad Johnny Cochran (spelling notwithstanding) kicked. Only the man who got OJ off the hook could save this foolish city’s foolish government on completing its foolish endeavor to the end with any chance of success. Face it Hazleton. You are screwed and it will be you the taxpayer that pays for it.

Barletta’s Ballad

‘Lemme tell ‘bout a story ‘bout a man named Lou…’? ‘He was also known as Il Zilco too.’ Mr. Kormonick (author and composer of the song, which only helps to elevate Il Zilco up the ladder a little more as he shrugs off Hazleton and leaves it to its own destruction), HP applauds his enthusiasm to create, but his subject matter is way off base. You do not support the people that created the problem in the first place. That’s just foolish. The ‘illegals’ and all other Hispanics were invited here en masse by the powers-that-be in order to re-enforce the slave labor front of Hazleton factories. It just turns out that they our a little more clever then the rubes that run this gawd-forsaken town, and not the other way around. Too bad for the powers-that-be.

City Moves to Demolish Former Carriage House

That’s right. Hazleton only wishes to preserve things of an out-house nature, or something that reminds us all that our forefathers were white slaves to the coal industry. Ario Pardee although a coal bastard (they say baron we say bastard), his carriage house may be of historic significance, so lets knock it down.

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