
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Hazleton anagrams to Halt Zone

Monday, October 23, 2006

Another Split Rock TimeShare Scam
Well, guess it's that time a year for greasy sales people to try to haggle you the public into buying timeshares in some of the stupidest places on earth in order for you to find relaxation while being hounding at the same time...marvelous! BEWARE! Posted invites of FREE merchandise is just a trick to get you to sink headlong into a deep hole of perpetual renting...come on down to Split Rock Lodge and get a big plastic dildo shoved up yer ass! This time its the holiday season!

Seems Mr. 'My Fingers Are Sausages' put out another month of geriatric nonsense--'The Golden Years'--That'd make Dave Bowie roll over in his grave if he weren't still walking the streets...However it is perfect timing that Panoramy is out again this month...ya see I needed to burn some leaves and they were damp. Well the Panoramy got the fire started just fine. I watched ALL the useless ads go up in smoke. It's good to know that everything has a purpose--And Panoramy is just real good kindling for the fire!-- Gombeggar, Editor

Monday, October 16, 2006

Election Daze a commin'...
Vote NONE OF THE ABOVE Pennsylvania
Need we say more?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

SPECIAL NOTE ON LOCAL GREED: In case we forgot to mention to all our loyal viewers, this is just a reminder about the Standard Speaker site. Although it APPEARS that they worked on it, probably due to our chiding of them, they updated their site to HAZLETON DICK standards and made their site into a Hazleton Catch 22. In otherwords, all our links to them for backlogged stories require you the reader to pay a fee. Gawd they’re cheap and greedy bastards! This may make our links appear useless, however it is all the more point for us to link you to Hazleton’s premier lapdog—supposed—newspaper, so that you can see yet another reason why people in Hazleton must wake up to the unspoken truths that make…oh just read what’s right under our title!

—Gombeggar, Editor

Columbus Day Observed

Happy Columbus Day Everyone! It’s such a festive and stupid holiday (we at HP love it!) that it only helps if yer in school or a mailman, but hey! North Korea’s Kim Jung Il really got into the spirit of things—He lit off one hell of big firecracker today to honor Columbus’ discovering Diamond Avenue in Hazleton. What a great guy he is—Kim Jung Il—Not Chris Columbus—sorry, Chris Colon (to use his spaghetti name)! Oh, that crazy dictator-kid! On a more local note and speaking of Il Zilco: Mayor Lou is gonna personally give a speech or something down at the Diamond at some big dumb spaghettio event. Yes spaghetti is the food of the day! Now did Mayor Lou attend St. Patrick’s Day events? How about for Martin Luther King Day? Here’s a good one. How about any of the HISPANIC holidays? Isn’t the mayor suppose to represent all the people? Why does it seem like only Italian heritage is fostered here in Hazleton anymore? Enjoy the parades everyone!
—Gombeggar, Editor

Fair Play

“Market Fair owner could lose city’s support if fiscal problems continue” according to Speaker.

Where to begin? Fair play? What an awful ‘play’ on words. Should be more like FOUL PLAY. The Great Frenchie Carpetbagger of the Pocono Market Fair Disaster has finally been seen for the charlatan that he is. He finally rubbed the wrong people the wrong way, by that we mean he stiffed the diego hordes of the Hazleton construction mob. Yep, Roger Soler, first he burned all his renters, then the city making money hand-over-fist, now he’s burning the contractors too—and they’re suing his french-canadian ass. He’s already since July of 2005 according to the Speaker soaked the Business Development Loan Program for $300,000! And he was trying to get an additional $271,000 through the city? It’s amazing the DCED is reconsidering giving it to him. Can you say moneypit children-— think ya can! He even bought the Pocono Market Fair in the first place for a song and a dance at $200,000. Plus he got it under that tax exemption bullshit. So that makes a lot of sense. His five years must be coming up…time to fleece another town, maybe? Currently, and at the beginning of the busiest shopping season of the year going into Christmas, the Market Fair is ‘closed for renovations’—something’s rotten on Poplar Street, friends. What about all the shop owners? What the hell are they going to do? They opened up shops to MAKE money. And all the commercial revenue that is being lost to the city? Lost on Soler? We think not. Naturally Il Zilco—Da Mayor is still kissing Soler’s ass. Shouldn’t the Mayor have the city’s best interests in mind? After the Civil War, carpetbaggers like this were run out of town at gunpoint. Why does Hazleton have to pander to him? Once again we the TAXPAYERS will end up shouldering this, another GOOD DEAL in Hazleton. Here’s what Il Zilco had to say:

“We are aware of [Soler’s financial follies] and we want him to take care of it. We think this is a great project. And, we do think Roger is the man to follow through on it.”—Mayor Lou, according to the Standard Speaker.

The Pocono Market Fair -
- Hazleton's equivalent to Springfield's Monorail!
Sold to you by that piano tickling charlatan Ro'ger-
Remember to Vote Quimby... er Barletta!

Audit: City Finances OK—for Now

Well, we at HP don’t buy it. How can we be doing so good if shops are being arbitrarally closed, factories (disgusting as they are) are packing up and leaving after they lose their tax breaks and every red bloody cent is tied up in the evil powers-that-be of this wretched town, so that NO prosperity can be made with out kick backs and backdoor dealings? And even then a person can hope to just get by. More lies from the Speaker? That’s all. There just doing what they’re told. And printing what they are told to print. Business as usual in Hazleton.

Scranton Council May Review Hazleton’s IIRA

Oh no! All the Hispanics are running to Scranton! Everybody run to the hills! The Latinos are comin’! The Latinos are comin'! Gawd this paranoia is well out of control. And so what if they are migrating? Scranton and Wilkes-Barre are just big Hazleton and they'll find that out. Same game tiny bit bigger pond. Real tiny! And that in and of itself is nasty, sad and a pathetic thought. Not to mention an easy truism.

Panel Slams Illegal Immigration Law

King’s College criticized this whole nonsense, and good, however this is coming from a college and even backwoods colleges such as those in Pennsyltucky are still just like all colleges in the nation: detached and idealistic. This miserable area, the coal cracker region has no time for right and honest, morals, mores. There’s just the backstabbing, the money changing, the bending over and loving every minute of it. Colleges live in isolation, lucky them. In the real world of our area there’s nothing but vultures, weasels—all cutthroat bastards to be sure—people climbing up the ladders and people falling down them—and then there’s people who say, hey this is wrong. And they get thrown right off the ladder altogether. For to wit we need change. It would be lovely if all the world were like a college campus, but all this region is is a slave pit. That’s why we at HP constantly implore the working class slaves and such to think, to try, to speak out—ahh but to no avail. Stop being sheep people. Realize that yer being taken advantage of and pushed around. Your voice counts unless you don’t use it. So cheers anyway to King’s College and the selected panel for criticizing this nonsense law as “racism” according to Stephen Glassman.

Five People Charged in Paintball Vandalism

Ya know, ya just can’t cut loose and have any fun around here anymore.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

This is an old post we've been sitting on since just September, but it's still poinant enough of a rant--Gombeggar, Editor

Uncertain If ‘Castle’ Deadline Will Be Hit

They need another $80,000, huh? Either someone’s buying a home or there’s a lot of people watching ‘Scarface’ and doing coke! This is all horrendous. Everything in this glorious town turns into a money pit. And every chance and opportunity to do some community good gets swamped in bureaucracy.

Will It Ever Stop?

The Standard Speaker was speaking about the rainy weather from last week. We at HP were thinking about the corruption, the poor jobs, the low standard of living, the fat cats who are skimming off the top to keep this rat-hole-town under thumb, the litter, the bad roads, the militant police, the trucked in filth, the fly ash, the strip mining, etc…Ya see the rain we need…actually we need a biblical flood to wash all the backdoor filth from this town. More importantly (soapbox if you please) we need the denizens (the people) of this town to stand up for themselves and stop being apathetic. We need the people of this town to try and make things better for themselves. We need the people of this town to break the chain of this oppression cycle and speak up and demand REAL change that actually benefits the common man (or in hazleton’s case, the common slave). We need to have people get off their asses. Folks out there read this all the time here at HP, yet no one seems to listen. Change can begin if just one person says, ‘No, I don’t wanna work swing shifts’ ‘No, I’m not gonna throw my garbage out on the roadside’ ‘No, I don’t want dredge sludge polluting my land more’ or ‘No, I wanna know where my tax dollars go’. Any of these statements and more; things that are on the general public’s mind, but YOU don’t do anything about it. Don’t be scared or lazy. Speak up and speak out for gawd sake! People: read a book and grow some balls!

Quietly, Illegals Law Passes (Standard Speaker speak)

“Uproar over city’s immigration law not evident during final vote on bill” according to the Standard Speaker. Nonsense. Utter nonsense. It was all probably kept so closed up and under wraps, not to mention police over killed that hardly anyone could in, especially after the last time when people (oh gasp!) spoke out against the powers that be for their reckless mistreatment of people THEY THEMSELVES invited here.

Had a Blast!

Another year of FREAKFEST. Thank gawd it’s over. Hazleton’s spectacular showing off of all the NOTHING it has to offer. Now if we can just get through the Bloomsburg Fair crap we can all settle in for a miserable winter.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

REVIEW: Now You See It…Cokesville, PA

This collection of short stories by writer Bathsheba Monk is just that, too short. Maybe this is because she has created characters so close to those we here at Hazleton Pravda run into on a daily bases in and around the coal cracker region. Her stories are populated by vivid denizens and some seemingly tongue in cheek humor. She does justice to our plight of being backwater fools hung up by vice and a looking to leave but not knowing rightly how. Her comments on the backwoods behaviors of the people of this region should be taken to heart, not in anger, but in an attempt for us all to grow up and rise up above our complacent foolish behaviors and attitudes. Read a book people! Read ‘Now You See It…’ It’s entertaining and evocative! You may learn something about yourself.


Barletta :We Won’t Be Bullied

In quotes it should read: “We won’t be bullied cuz that’s our job! Henna?”

Well, that says more then enough really. The backlash has begun. Our pompous heads are about to make a problem THEY created even worse. That’s OK. Mayor Lou will be in the senate by the time this is all really worked out. And it will be on the heads of the denizens of Hazleton to pay for this gigantic PUBLICITY STUNT. There was a glimmer of prosperity beginning in this dump town and that had to be quashed because the right palms weren’t greased enough.

Tempers Flare at HASB Dress Code Committee Meeting

Why’s that? Did someone foolish mention education? Learning amid all these IMPORTANT issues? These nutcases wanna spend $12,900 on metal detectors. It’s not a school. It’s fucking prison! Security grants of $10,000 in question? Does anyone have any idea what that kind of money could do if they just bought fucking books and pencils instead? Guess we’ll never find out, but either way you and I will pay for it through taxes. Discussing whether or not hooded sweatshirts could be worn is fucking madness. Why not GRANT some of that ‘security’ money to parents for buying their kids a whole new stupid wardrobe? The editor of HP can not say ‘fuck’ in response to this nonsense enough. He’s saying it more times then his agile fingers can even type. What nonsense this town, this area creates for itself as it slowly falls into a mineshaft of it’s own creation is unbelievable.

Industrial Park Water Line Ruptures

‘Hundreds of homes in Hazleton, Hazle Township lose pressure’ according to the Speaker. CAN DO doesn’t care, or at least they don’t seem to. Guess they don’t want the bill. So you the taxpayer pays for it.

GHHA Treats All Patients, CEO Says

Someone was allegedly turned away due to a ‘communication problem’ at a local hospital. If that someone was smart he or she should have turned and run anyway. Healthcare in Hazleton is notoriously poor baring down on disgusting and overpriced. But immediately they are blaming this IIRA and lawsuit again. Well, the IIRA is just dumb, and the healthcare in Hazleton is just bad. The two things have little to do with each other besides the fact that the quality of ANYTHING you get in Hazleton is horrid. The GHHA probably saved a life by turning this person away.

Money Starts Rolling to Defend IIRA

Kickbacks and Paybacks, hmm. Moneys from what matresses? They can garner the internet for a site to give money to halt the only prosperity in sight of this dumptown, but the Speaker can’t update their own website, oh but they can give you spider-man reissues. Madness. We get so many complaints about the Speaker here at HP.

City’s Legal Team in Place for IIRA Suit

Too bad Johnny Cochran (spelling notwithstanding) kicked. Only the man who got OJ off the hook could save this foolish city’s foolish government on completing its foolish endeavor to the end with any chance of success. Face it Hazleton. You are screwed and it will be you the taxpayer that pays for it.

Barletta’s Ballad

‘Lemme tell ‘bout a story ‘bout a man named Lou…’? ‘He was also known as Il Zilco too.’ Mr. Kormonick (author and composer of the song, which only helps to elevate Il Zilco up the ladder a little more as he shrugs off Hazleton and leaves it to its own destruction), HP applauds his enthusiasm to create, but his subject matter is way off base. You do not support the people that created the problem in the first place. That’s just foolish. The ‘illegals’ and all other Hispanics were invited here en masse by the powers-that-be in order to re-enforce the slave labor front of Hazleton factories. It just turns out that they our a little more clever then the rubes that run this gawd-forsaken town, and not the other way around. Too bad for the powers-that-be.

City Moves to Demolish Former Carriage House

That’s right. Hazleton only wishes to preserve things of an out-house nature, or something that reminds us all that our forefathers were white slaves to the coal industry. Ario Pardee although a coal bastard (they say baron we say bastard), his carriage house may be of historic significance, so lets knock it down.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

West Hazleton Council Adopts Illegal Immigration Relief Act

Monkey see; Monkey do

Architect:’Castle’ Won’t Meet Deadline

Big surprise that…

Vandals Spray Paint Racial Slurs on Church St. Business, Fence

Didn’t we comment early on, that all this crap and nonsense about the Hispanics was just gonna drive a deeper wedge between the races in this dumbass town? We were right again. Let’s just be ‘hazleton dicks’ to everyone once again and alienate what might be decent people from one another.

Hazleton Public Readies For Route Changes

Now you can only travel en masse to and from Valmont and Humboldt, at a charge of course!

Five More Illegals Picked Up in Area

This wouldn’t be a problem if our ‘powers-that-be’ wouldn’t have invited them here in the first place. Never forget that people. These ‘illegals’ were invited here.

Mahanoy City Passes ‘Illegal Alien’ Ordinance

Monkey town sees and do-s…what are they afraid the influx of outsiders will raise the IQ of the town too much?

Wait and See

‘Communities holding off on IIRO-type legislation’ according to the Speaker. So Freeland and Beaver Meadows have MORE sense then those governing Hazleton (the slave town that it is).

Gangs Infiltrating Poconos

That’s just funny. If it were true, then good for them. Strange when they DIDN’T report that timeshare scams were ‘infiltrating’ the Poconos, dontcha think?

PPL Users Break Record

We had a heat wave and now we ALL (those of us that are working class slaves and below) gotta pay for it.

Report: City Misspent $1.5 Mill

Another BIG surprise from the land of Hazle-Dump. And imagine that: The city doesn’t agree with the audit. This entire town is one big scam!

U.S. Economy Adds 113,000 Jobs in July, Unemployment Rises to 4.8 Percent

And CANT DO had everything to do with the unemployment, we'd bet!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Barletta Wants IIRA Amended

His fifteen minutes are UP and gone, still he scratches for more. Carrion eaters do the same. They also suck the marrow from the bones of dead things and eat their entrails. And Il Zilcho might need a toothpick for that big rigor mortise grin of his.

Super Wants Teachers, Principals to Enforce New HASD Dress Code

You heard the superintendent, teachers! Drop yer pens and books. Get out a ruler and start checking hemlines and shit! Cuz that’s what school in Hazleton is ALL about. Forget about TEACHING. This school district is run by assholes! It always was and always will be. It’s disgusting how no one cares that these kids are being churned out barely capable of reading and scarred for life cuz every morning they are shoved through a day of prison-like oppression. Did everyone get their school taxes in the mail? That’s going for higher security and better surveillance, not edible food and adequate and proper schooling. Let’s worry about little Janey’s jeans or Michael’s T-shirt cuz it says something that adults are terrified of. The school district is filled with a bunch of bastards who have no business being employed to ‘teach’ a goddamn thing!

Humboldt Boil Advisory Lifted

CANT DO lifted a boil advisory on water in the Humboldt Industrial Park; probably just after OSHA and DEP representatives drove off the park property. A trace amount of FECAL bacteria was found coming from General Mills; lovely thought. This is followed by what? Ninty-nine percent plastic polymer from Genova? Asbestos run-off from Corning? Clumps of lead oxide from god knows any of the evil plants out there? What else? FUCK THE FACTORY—THEY ARE FUCKING YOU! On a side note: The Standard Speaker WASN’T notified about the ban in the first place according to the Speaker. Yeah right! They were TOLD BY THEIR MASTERS NOT TO PRINT ANYTHING UNTIL IT CAME OUT CLEAN. Bastards again!

Panorama First

It SEEMS (we at HP can't be too sure of this, there's fecal matter in the water afterall) that Panormay (magazine for the geriatric and dimwitted) ACTUALLY did an article on someone interesting, Alex Chamberlin. This is most astonishing, a story on someone who's actually done something, not a story about some happy loon in a nursing home reminiscing about how great it was to pail out the ol' outhouse in winter. Chamberlin is a fascinating man. The story was lousy, of course cuz it's Panoramy and therefore didn't mention one jaunt of the amazing life that Chamberlin has lead. And we at HP are SURE Mr. 'My Fingers Look Like Sausages' had not a thing to do with it anyway. Probably had go get mustard or something and a good idea must have slipped past.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Woman Seeks Answers from Troopers

“State police officials aren’t talking because of the ongoing investigation…” according to the Standard Speaker. *Singing* ‘To serve and protect; Let you break your neck—It’s Po—lice! It’s Po—lice! They play the heavies. Their hearts are made of wood!’ This just sounds like another case of police negligence, and general (instilled and ingrained) apathy towards the general public. This elderly man was handcuffed behind his back and allowed to fall face first onto concrete. You mean to say two able-bodied troopers couldn’t have prevented this incident which evidently took the man’s life according to the newspaper? Brainwashed and disassociated is NOT the kind of police force we want or need.

PCN Viewers Support Mayor’s Illegal Immigration Relief Act

Now if he only enforces it…
On side note it seems the Speaker HAS found so more happy Mayor Lou pictures to post. If they were reading HP and took note of that—Let us STRESS—WE DON’T WANT TO SEE ANYMORE HAPPY mayor lou PHOTOS!

PA House Panel Tackling Illegal Immigration

So now the next level of inactive politicians wants to get in on the act?

Barletta: City’s Act Has Influence Nationally

But the accompanying picture is not a happy Mayor Lou. It’s a sad Mayor ‘Il Zilcho’ Lou…Is feeling his fifteen minutes of fame waning, ahh—Poor Mayor Lou.

School Board Oks Change Orders, Credits at ‘Castle’

More money; more palm greasing. And guess what folks? YOU are gonna have to pay for it all in the end.

Flood Damage Meeting Fri.

At 7PM at the Educational Conference Center of LCCC…Be there or be wet!


The anti-dredge organization is still in effect and can be contacted at:

P O Box 161
Milnesville, PA. 18239

Fight the dredge before the powers that be drowned us in this trucked in filth.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Hot, Hot, Hot

Finally the Speaker discusses something new and real, and tangible: the weather. But they must have run outta pictures of happy Mayor Lou, and quotes of him telling us all how he was gonna put on a flack jacket and sun screen (read: olive oil), and take on the hot weather we’ve been experiencing, and make it stop! It’s almost disappointing—ALMOST!

Flooding Affected Nearly 7800 PA Homes

Yes, we live on one of the highest mountains in PA and all our names changed suddenly to Noah. Still, no word on the burn ban having been lifted. Guess the Speaker had pasta sauce to promote.

Barletta on Statewide Call-in Show

Ya know when ya get a taste for SHOWBIZ it must be kinda hard to stop, or to manage your actual mayoral duties. It’s understandable. The call to Hollywood even via cable is so much more important then that job of mayor and its duties that he was elected to in the first place. Another step up the ladder, please? Another round of golf? Why do all that bothersome mayor-stuff when that's yer job?

HASB Director Sticks By Dress Code Revisions

It’s so nice to see the importance the HASB is putting on this dress code issue. It takes all eyes off the fact that the Hazleton school system is completely ineffectual at doing the one thing they are here for: TO TEACH STUDENTS. Yes, let’s worry about cuff lengths and such. Forget about math and literature. After all, you don’t REALLY need to read to work in a CANT DO factory, do you? If these bastards would get off their asses and get focused, they might actually do their jobs and teach something. Oh, but I forgot, that’s not the point here. Teaching? What a silly notion for a school district. No let’s waste money (of the taxpayers), time and effort arguing over necklaces can be used as dangerous weapons.

Area Native Featured in Penthouse

Once more, the Standard Speaker shows just how much a waste it is. An area babe takes her clothes off for money, big deal. Like they don’t do that in ever corner bar in this town! This is so not newsworthy, and also tacky coming from what is supposed to be a family oriented publication. HP has nothing against Ms. Kent herself, just the inappropriateness (again) of the Standard Speaker, lapdog to he powers that be.

Council Approves New Dog Ordinance

OK, pet owners should be fined for letting their animals roam free, but what the hell is all this about staged dog fights? Is Doyna Yar right? Is this little Tijuana? Or is this just more hype against the Latin community?

Now a new piece from the Camp for John Medashefski for Mayor:

A Word About the Immigration Act

By John Medashefski

I support this Act 100%--NOT THE WHOLE ORDINACE—but English as the official language of Hazleton. —I will support that if elected.
I think personally, the move to make such an ordinance should have been made years ago before all this trouble started. The question now is: Is Mr. Barletta going to enforce [the ordinance]—Nothing else prior to this has been enforced. Not one thing. What I think [Mr. Barletta] is doing now is right. Now he and the city have to stand behind it and enforce it.

I’m also looking at the trouble [the ordinace] could cause. Can the city deal with the lawsuits? The legal fees? Is this going to be the city taxpayers getting screwed and footing the bill, while [Mr. Barletta] runs? I want to see [Mr. Barletta] deal with the landlords on the ordinance—[city government] has tried that before.

The mayor says it will be difficult to have the Hispanics register. I have one simple solution to the ordinance. Have them all get background checks at City Hall just like for job interviews. Have per capita tax taken out right there too, so long as they’re going to be residents of the city. Why should the landlords have to pay for this? I’m asking you, the people. Have the tenants do it.

I want to see something accomplished here in Hazleton. So far I haven’t. It’s like art to me. I want to turn around and see what I’ve done when the time comes. I want to change Hazleton—for the better.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Politics, Ignorance, and Ambition
How the King of the Heap [that is Hazleton] Bullshit His Way to Capital City

Reluctant views from just outside by Doyna Yar

Is it not plain for all the world to see? Political pandering for self-gain is truly disgusting. When I was first informed of Fascio Mayor Barletta actually taking a *stand* on illegal immigration I honestly thought someone was yankin’ my Nathan’s Famous! My first reaction was it was ridiculous for Hazleton’s government to take on illegal immigration since this is the clear [and derelict] jurisdiction of our federal government. I remember saying something to the tune of “…what’s he trying to get on Lou Dobbs?!! He may as well impose Hazleton sanctions on the DPRK or require ALL of Hazleton’s troops home from Iraq by Columbus Day for all it will accomplish…” Well the next day my dinner was crow. Actually it was something else until Lou Dobbs ruined my day by swallowing Barletta’s bait and giving this backwater politician a national platform from which to spout half-truths and blatant lies about Hazleton being on the front lines of the immigration war. After a video montage Highlighting Hazleton’s plight was piled deep, footage of an inarticulate Hazleton PD jackboot, cruisers ablaze with intimidation lights parked in front of the Road’s End Pub (isn’t that West Hazleton jurisdiction?) it was stated that the only thing police accomplished that night was to harass some teenagers! Sounds like a crisis, would Lou like some national guard troops, or the limelight? Talk about over inflated! Like a skillful ringmaster Mr. Barletta placed himself at the center of a tempest he hopes will blow him up the political ladder. What is one of many problems in Hazleton has provided him the opportunity to feed his political aspirations, so everybody dance to il Duce’s flute. The only kernel of truth in the interview was when he ducked Dobbs’ repeated question of actually rounding up illegal aliens for transfer to federal authorities. Truth be known the ordinance is only a landlord [read slumlord] tax and a way for city hall to acquire a database on all city residence (how East German of them)! I’d hate to be Hispanic in Hazleton now as it’s open season for police harassment. Divide and conquer il Zilcho? Not in a town where the typical yolkle thinks Puerto Ricans are foreigners, these people are too sharp for such carpet-bagging politics. Who knew Hazleton was a boarder town? Bullet-proof vest and jackbooted lackeys blocking traffic on 309, what a fucking joke unless you needed to drive across town during Lou’s circus. It kinda makes ya pine for the daze of "I'm the Mayor, and you're under arrest!"

Anywho, I really did not want to hear any more of this farce but it won’t go away. Because the issue is something that politicians in a position of responsibility don’t seem the have the nerve to tackle, because they can’t separate legitimate voting hispanic-Americans from euphemized *undocumented immigrants* [read ILLEGAL ALIENS], the lightweights with big mouths can seem larger than they really are. Also because of federal sidestepping the problem won’t get fixed any time soon giving slick politicians like Barletta cover because he can say he did his part with the authority of mayor. What a great way to ‘suggest’ to the voting masses to kick him up to state of fed? The shame of it is the ignorant and uninformed will buy into his ploy. Immigration is just another revolving issue, like minimum wage, abortion, or social security, that seasoned politicians on both sides love to wrap themselves in every few years and say "look what I did [vote Quimby!]" when it should be fairly obvious to identify the problem and fix it!!!

I guess my rambling has brought me to a good as any place to address the issue itself as I see it:

1) Illegal immigration was a problem in the 90s, 80s, 70s, and probably back at least to post WWII.
2) Illegal means Illegal no matter how you try to white wash terminology and blur the distinction. An illegal alien may be an *undocumented immigrant*, but that does not change the fact of breaking our laws by crossing our boarder without proper permission or legitimate intention. Doing that along the Iron Curtain a few decades back was a good way to get yourself shot.
2.5) When illegal alien activists use the term *undocumented immigrant*, do they realize that they mean WOP? A ‘With Out Papers’ immigrant is still legal, as opposed to illegal aliens, because despite their undocumented status they are coming to the shores of America to become AMERICANS!
3) All illegal aliens should be immediately repatriated to their resident state. They should be blacklisted from becoming American citizens as a lesson to their countrymen to follow accepted legal immigration procedures. Their homeland should be required to pay compensation to our Federal government for their detainment and processing.
4) Repeat offenders should face incarceration in their home state or execution here in the US at the choice of their home state. I can’t stress enough the value of sending a message of personal responsibility and the price of violating the sovereignty of a state.
5) Mexico particularly benefits and encourages her citizenry to violate American sovereignty both for population reduction and economic gains. Leveraging unwanted population over our boarder and bleeding our economy and social services is an Act of War against the United States. It remains to be seen if there is a darker and more insidious plot by Mexico thru encouraging Mexican citizens to emigrate to the American southwest without assimilation. Could this be laying the groundwork for reversing the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ala Reconquista ‘greater Mexico’?
6) The notion that illegal aliens take jobs our citizens won’t do is fantasy. Employers who use illegals for labor are cheating free market forces in pursuit of profits. Take for example Truck Farming. They’d have you believe our citizens won’t pick tomatoes. They would for a fair wage based on our labor market, so what if tomatoes cost 3 times as much and x% of tomato farmers go under? This would only be a market correction to the artificial pricing and wages caused by the employment of illegal aliens and greed of their employers. If a business can’t compete and adapt in the market it has no right to exist. Businesses who knowingly hire illegal aliens should be seized and auctioned off by the Fed, another lesson in responsibility. Their management and human resource staff should be prosecuted for aiding and abetting illicit activities and the economic sabotage of the US market.
7) Boarder security is a Federal responsibility. If boarder guards are ineffectual then it should fall to the military. Use eminent domain to seize and federalize a boarder no mans land. Sounds like a good place for training army snipers! I can’t help but imaging the impact on would be illegal aliens if they knew they could be shot on sight!

Damn, now I have a headache… glad I don’t live in Hazletijuana (don’t drink the mine run off water)! So I have to give Barletta credit for what it’s worth. Wrapping himself in an issue he cannot possibly solve. Getting the ignorant Hazletonians to embrace their xenophobia rather than face the real troubles of crime in the area. Getting his mug on television nationwide- that’ll stick on the way to congress. So if Hazleton won’t vote him out, then by all means vote him up and we’ll see who gets the last laugh. The PA voters can vote him out or up to Congress. What will America do when he’s entrenched and ineffectual in Washington? The world wonders…

We at Hazleton Pravda have been completely unanimous in thinking it better that we just NOT bothered about the recent circus events going on in *trumpets please* The Greater Hazleton Area and how amazingly stupid THE REST of the country must be to be paying attention to Mayor Lou much less putting him on TV, and that goes for WYLN too, but at least they have the excuse that there is nothing REAL to report in Hazleton because all the corruption and backdoor dealings of the powers that be seem to get passed over and missed somehow. However, it seems we must finally say something about this ridiculous situation.


More like FOOT STABBING as in stabbing one’s self in the foot. This is only alienating the Latino/Hispanic people for no real good reason, because not only is this new measure only going to hurt the little people ONCE AGAIN and distance ethnic groups even more, but do you really think any of this will be really enforced? Do you really think THIS will stop the crime and the drugs? No! Not by a long shot. This is just another attempt to step up the ladder for the mayor, Il Zilcho. His touting about how many positive e-mails he’s received is complete nonsense. Ask the people on the street. The average joe thinks this is all just a ludicrous show, a joke taken too far, and something that really won’t solve any problems just make more INCLUDING INVASION OF PRIVACY. And we have received word that all of the speakers on both sides of this were ‘selected’ if you get our meaning, just to make it more interesting for the news. As the one lady, a Latino representative pointed out in a interview on TV, it’s the criminals NOT the illegal aliens that are causing the troubles. Although we here at HP do feel the illegal aliens shouldn’t be here either and should be sent packing because they are taking our jobs, most of them are hardworking average people running store shops or slaving in the LAND OF CANT DO. Sure there is a drug problem and crime, but blame CANT DO. They put up all the posters in the metropolitan cities saying ‘COME TO HAZLETON—ENJOY! ENJOY OUR SLAVERY!’ You must admit the influx of Hispanics has invigorated this dump’s economy. Where there were vacant shop windows for so many decades there are now thriving shops offering variety and AN OPTION TO GIANT COMPANIES LIKE WALMART AND THE LIKE. And once again it is Hazleton’s growing pains. You can’t bring the inner-city to Hazleton and have them sit down and bark like the lapdogs WE have all been trained to be. People in the REAL world don’t like being Hazleton drones. Why? Because it sucks. Think people. And let’s try to—dare I say it?—get along! Let’s not draw lines between people we—or rather the powers that be—invited here just so Mayor Lou can get on national television and tell the world all the things he’s pretending he’s gonna do. This all has nothing to do with the real problems of Hazleton. THEY all live in glass houses evidently. Besides, now that we are OFFICIALLY A FACIST STATE, shouldn’t the official language be hazleton diego?

And as far as Lou Barletta being called a racist, well let’s clear this up right now. MAYOR LOU IS NO RACIST—JUST AS LONG AS YOU ARE ITALIAN! Hey! Yo! Stugats. Yous OK den!


Pennsylvania Town Enacts Strict Illegal Immigration Ordinance

Dobbs: Bush, Senate 'lackeys' reach new low

Lowe’s blows!

I heard it from at least a half dozen people when I told them I had an interview. I heard it from at least two dozen people since I took the overworked underpaid job I was offered. However I have yet to experience it for myself. “Lowe’s is a great company to work for”, “They pay really well”, and “The benefits are great” are some of the misinformation that was pumped into my head. In all reality, (keeping in mind this is coming from someone who has had around 20 different jobs to date) I calculated this is the third worst job I have ever had.

Let me start by saying the pay is horrific. The work is backbreaking, and they expect you to be nice to fucking 5,000 people every day on top of this shit.

They do not hire full-time, although you work full-time hours. This is just another way for the Lowe’s juggernaut to fuck you out of one of the most basic elements of someone seeking gainful employment – benefits. You are “part-time” for several months and then if you bust your nuts long enough and hard enough, you are then considered for full-time, provided a full-time position has opened up, at which time 90 days after that you are eligible for benefits.

You are told when you are hired you get a break every two hours, until you get out on the floor. “We don’t take breaks here, not unless you really need one”, is what I was told by my boss.

The schedule makes it impossible to have any other aspect to your life, including a part-time job, which everyone who works there does need. You can be expected to start as early as 6 am or get out as late as 11 pm (provided there is no extra work that needs done). You are mandated to take a one-hour lunch every day (what a great way to keep you in their control for an extra 5 hours a week). You almost never get overtime. You may be asked to stay a few hours here and there, but they will send you home early or tell you to come in late at the end of the week.

The rules, procedures and policies are absolutely eternal. I can honestly say if I was there 20 years I would still have a stack of procedures to learn. It is absolutely endless!

The most recent mind-blowing thing I have seen is how they use this eternal list of procedures and rules to fire people when busy season slows down (after July 4). The management team will sit and watch the dozens of cameras that scan every square inch of the store (does Alcatraz ring a bell?) and wait for someone to make a small mistake, often for a procedure we were never informed about. They are soon after called to the managers’ office and fired on the spot. Nothing like job security, eh?!

I guess my gripe isn’t so much that Lowe’s is a horrible company to work for, it is that the simple-minded Hazletonian way of thinking masks the truth so the people of this area think this is a great place to work. Sure, I can’t do any better at the moment either, but I do not go around bragging about how great this company is. DO NOT fall into the trap of the typical Hazletonian; take a deep breath and see things for what they really are.

Trust me, if you can get a job somewhere else, take it. Lowe’s fucking blows!

Ray Ians

We’d like to thank are newest contributing writer, Ray Ians for that insight into another thing TAINTED by the ways of Hazleton—Gombeggar, Editor

“DON’T GO TO THE HEAD OF THE TABLE—EVER!”—Hazleton axiom? Or CANT DO credo? Check out our FORUM (look to the right) to discuss the matter—Gom

Monday, July 03, 2006


Is GAWD trying to clean up this miserable town of Hazleton? According to the bible he said he’d never do that again –with water anyway. Well, water won’t wash away the FILTH of this town cuz they’re all ON HIGH GROUND in GRAND upper high rise offices pushing papers around that keeps ALL of Hazleton under a smothering thumb of factory slave labor, desperation and unending labor…But we digress.

Well, things have been crazy here at Hazleton Pravda and we are inundated with information and opinions that we wish to share with you, so please be patient we will get all the dirt, filth and lies that the powers that be have been printing and publicizing incredulously to YOU the public for weeks now as soon as we can. And SURPRISINGLY we MAY have some good news too.


Thursday, June 22, 2006

Here is another official release from the John Medashefski for Mayor Camp sent to Hazleton Pravda in reaction to the recent glut of press coverage that Mayor Lou has garnered for himself:

Barletta Burrito Blitz

“7 Years Too Late”

Seven years ago, Mr. Barletta accused Mr. Marsicano about “showboating.” What an accusation!

Here we are 7 years later. Mr. Barletta has won not only an Emmy, but now he’s working on an Oscar.

In my opinion, and as far as showboating goes Mr. Marsicano had a LOT more integrity and guts then our present mayor. Two weeks prior to this sudden blasting of illegal immigrants, Mr. Barletta was trying diligently to get a Hispanic baseball league together! Now look! It’s two weeks later and what do you know? Mr. Barletta comes up with another thoughtless plan (someone else’s) which really only puts the spotlight on him. It’s a form of plagiarism, ya gotta admit. These ideas have been thrown around by other people for a while now.

And I’d like to know how he’s going to enforce them anyway. How was he going to enforce a Spanish baseball team to speak English? Answer me that? He hasn’t enforced one thing yet in his whole administration—Yet alone this new ‘measure.’ And why burden the landlords? It’s the city’s responsibility to deal with tenants under these circumstances—Not just the landlords. Back ground checks are everyone’s responsibility. Where Mr. Barletta says, and I quote: “There may be some undesirables that don’t want to register;” Well that’s just dodging the issue. Mr. Barletta cheats on himself and the whole city. He blossoms big and then runs and hides. In my personal opinion I do not think Mr. Barletta has an original idea, or ever has. He’s very good at using other people’s ideas, I’ll give him that. What do you call that? A mimic?

—John Medashefski

Hazleton Pravda does not know the sources for this material and is publishing this document as is.

—Gombeggar, Editor

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Mayor Proposes Official Language

Whoa! Stop the presses! We here at Hazleton Pravda were all about to go publish this and give the first cheers to Mayor Lou ‘Il Zilco’ for finally doing something GOOD for the people of Hazleton, something not seemingly politically agenda-ed, or business oriented. We were about to cast laurels on Da Mayor of Mob City for finally taking a handle of the mess here that is Hazleton and begin to make amends when it was brought to our attention by SEVERAL very reliable sources that this is a very STOLEN idea from both Standard Speaker writer, L. A. Tarone, who has evidently been writing about this issue for sometime in the Speaker and ALSO from the camp of John Medashefski for Mayor, who was ALSO suggesting this proclamation. Good for you Mayor Lou, ya proved by sinking to another low that you ARE a true Hazeltonian!

Hazleton Pravda will have more on this disappointing situation as more information becomes available.
—Gombeggar, Editor

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Wikipedia on Hazleton Lifestyle

“Hazleton is a 4th World city.”
—Doyna Yar, Contributing Writer & Web Surfer Extraordinaire

Chief: Drugs 85 to 95 Percent of Crime
—“Ferdinand, Hazleton’s Top Drug Abuse Counselor Address Red Carpet Breakfast”—The Standard Speaker

This is just more of the same. The real PROBLEM and it’s a two-fold one is that people suffering in the *trumpets please* Greater Hazleton Area need to self-medicate because factory life is no life at all and that the powers that be are the ones allowing drugs into the area in order to placate their herds of slaves that work in the factories that keep this place a dump. Very cyclic. Did I say cyclic? I meant sick. “Hazleton’s drug problem is a significant part of its overall crime picture, but measures are being taken to contain it, the city’s top law enforcement says,” according to the Standard Speaker.
Let’s all keep in mind that the ONLY reason drug trafficking is the big ta do crime is because there’s money in it. There’s little money in anything else around here. That’s why the powers that be are so desperate to keep there hands in the till on the drugs AND to bring gambling in. Why does no one see this? It’s plain as day, not that we have much daylight in this miserable area. And why does no one realize that this area being as miserable as it is compounds the need of people to self-medicate. We don’t need crackdowns and police. We need the yoke taken from our backs and to be able to make a real living in normal work environment. Then you wouldn’t have the poor beaten-down denizens around here buying crack to shot into their eyeballs! This is ALL a problem created by and for the powers that be, so AGAIN we at Hazleton Pravda call on the down-trodden denizens of Hazleton to rise up and make change, voice opinions and stop letting them oppress you more and more each day!
Drugs are the greatest crime here in Hazle-waste-land? No! The greatest crimes are the slave labor camps they call production plants, the oppression of the poor and middle class, the intolerably low wages, and the high and mighty attitudes of those on top of the heap weighing the rest of us down with their heavy pockets full of misbegotten gold reaped from the toils of the walking dead labor force that IS Hazleton!

Magistrate: City’s Fine for Drug Paraphernalia Is Legal

Another HAZLETON style solution. There’s a problem, wring out the poor man on the street with a $417 fine including court costs, which means you gotta pay for the privilege of being shook down and harassed by the powers that be and their minions. They’re’ll be another few hundred dollars in the coffers to then be misappropriated and the REAL problem, the big time drug traffickers can be ignored once again BECAUSE arrests have been made and the Speaker has lapdoggedly reported how wonderful things are getting around here again.

Director Mulls Pulling Architect Off ‘Castle’ Job

At last a scapegoat has been found! Now all you who have been foot dragging, embezzling, palm-greasing and bill-padding to make sure you get every last cent out of this project can rest easy.

EPA Regulations Will Force Sewer Rate Increase

Does that mean we’ll be getting more sewage pumped into Hazleton? That’s usually how deals end up for us ‘round here. Or are they just gonna squeeze more money out of all of us. Come to think of it, WE usually get both of those ways.

Market Fair Seeking $271,000 Loan From City

Wow! That Frenchie-Cannuck has got a LOT of nerve. And the city of Hazle-Stupid appears to be happy to try and get him the money. The Pocono Market Fair has been running short-sightedly since its inception and it’s also been run something like a Siberian Gulag from the start as well. Most of the shop owners have had to SNEAK out of there with their tails between their legs because of high rent for small spaces, and because of the new and improved big brother specials including surveillance cameras and microphones. Microphones? What the HELL is that about? Chances are the phones are tapped too! Can you say ‘paranoid’? I think ya can. You can not run an open market like an Eastern Bloc country during the Soviet Era, not even in Hazleton. It just won’t work. No matter how much money this tripped-out French socialist gets in state money, it will eventually collapse in upon itself. And REMEMBER: as Al Bundy always says, “It is WRONG to be French!”
And of course, this is a news-worthy article that concerns the financial state of the city, so the Speaker buried this one too, on page five of the Thursday paper!

Alleged Killer Slipped Through System

Now THIS makes the front page, BUT all it says ‘between the lines’ is that either this cat was smarter then the average Hazleton-slave which is pretty easy to assume, OR the cops just didn’t want to do their paperwork when they pulled him over in the first place. That also is pretty easy to assume.

Cable Competition Legislation on Way

Well, we’ll keep an eye on this, but no monopoly is the only good monopoly after all.

Obituary Reprints

Now for all you SINK AND DEMENTED hangers on to the living dead of Hazleton, the Standard Speaker has figured out a way of selling more of their crap on parchment and fleecing the psychotically obsessed lamentors of Hazleton. Now you can own what looks like a blow-up version of an obituary of a loved one, or just someone who’s dead and has caught your eye, and that intrigues you enough. Gawd this town is nutz! This is why it is scary to even OPEN the Standard Speaker.

Pay Raise May Haunt Incumbents

Duh! But only if the public cares to try and remember. Spoon-fed and short-termed, YOU the people of this area are sometimes your own worst enemies.

Local Plant to Close

National Starch is leaving. Supposedly they’re going to help their local employees find new work. SORRY. There’s no work to be found in THIS ghetto.

Police to Keep Close Eye on Business They Closed

Yes, they are doing this to remain PUBLICLY vigilant whilst STILL ignoring the REAL problem, which is the big time drug dealers and the powers that be that ALLOW them to operate in Hazleton, for the right price of course.

Here is some old news that needs mention:
—Gombeggar, Editor

County Preserves Area Farm

A little over 1200 acres to be preserved. Wow! When there’s no land to grow ANY food cuz it’s all littered with suburban soccer-mom pre-fab houses. They’ll be tearing up the land to make way for corn and hay.

Hundreds Attend Job Fair

Still there’s NO JOBS around. Funny that.

Final Notes: Since SO MANY people have been looking over Hazleton Pravda trying to find out about Panoramy Magazine, we just though we'd remind you all how useles it is, that it is a waste of paper and run by a man whose best quote is: "I don't think I can pay you this week. I'm going to Atlantic City!" In short Panorama SUKS!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

We here at Hazleton Pravda hope that everyone who could get to the voting polls last Tuesday did so. Exercising your right to vote may not always change the outcome of local and upward politics, but sometimes one vote can shake things up just enough. So always remember to vote. It’s one of those things the powers that be can’t take away from you just yet. And if enough of our voices are heard we can get rid of the powers that be and change the old guard for the better of us all—Remember, we all have a voice and a say. Change happens when we get off our asses and stop letting others make decisions that make our lives a Hazleton circle jerk, and a living hell of factory slavery and looking at ones feet.
—Gombeggar, Editor

Protests at Hazleton Mall Cinema
—By Scoop Donkey, Contributing Writer

The DaVinci Code as a film has brought local Christian Zealots out of their cumbersome world in outrage, or at least it did last Saturday night at Hoyts Cinema at the Laurel Mall. Small children perhaps eight or ten in black pants, white shirts and black ties were pressed into service of a religion they can’t possibly be old enough to comprehend let alone debate and protest. That’s the sick part: young impressionable children being dogmatized by their elders who are aghast at ideas about a two thousand year religion that is practiced almost entirely wrongly (as most religions are) by much of its splintered groups all claiming to be the ‘right’ or ‘correct’ religion of Christ. There is no hope for the blindsided. If you are so threatened in your beliefs by a work of fiction that was in fact an awful movie anyway, then there is little emancipation for you, the small-minded Christian. I did not enjoy the movie as you had to have sat through every gawd-awful DaVinci documentary from the History channel, The National Geographic channel and all those in between plus read a few books to know what the fuck was going on. That’s a lot of work for to see a movie, dontcha think? But even though I left halfway through the film, because I know the ending—Christ got the chop in the end no matter what—the high point of my amusement was when one of the young brainwashed zealot children came into the theater and proclaimed how we all needed to be saved on account of watching this movie. Well, one movie-goer shouted “Go to Hell!” I found that wryly amusing. Then the youth was pulled out by security. Funny thing religion. When you take it at face value and do not question it unequivicalibly then you start to listen to foolish things and the next thing ya know you are driving a plane into somebody’s skyscraper. Think about it.

Who’s Next?

“Super-Lou, don’t quit your day job!”
—Doyna Yar, Contributing Writer

How can we NOT jump on this? ‘Who’s Next’ IS one of the better albums by The Who, but it is one stupid decree from city hall. “I suggest if anybody in Hazleton is involved in drug sales, they need to leave or they will be visited. Who’s next?” —Mayor Lou according to the Standard Speaker.

Well, there’s so much wrong with this. A series of drug raids according to the Speaker? Now everyone should know that the powers that be NEVER bust anyone but the low man on the rope. The big shots never get hit, because the powers that be WANT drugs to come in to keep the factory slaves in check. What probably happened in this SERIES of drug bust is that once again the proper hands weren’t greased. The powers that be get easily upset if they haven’t got their hands in everyone’s till. Far be it that someone might actually turn a profit around here and not give their due. Yeah, drugs are a commodity like any other. Don’t be foolish and think otherwise. And OBVIOUSLY there is a need to distract ones-self in this miserable town from the drudgery of slave labor and poor wages. Ya gotta self medicate to exist here!
The Romans called it bread and circuses, and ya know every once in a while they too blocked the streets and sent some denizens to the slaughter like lambs. The same thing goes on here in Hazleton, with a very poor façade to cover the truth, that drugs aren’t gonna stop coming in when all those on top of this heap are making money at it with kickbacks. So while Mayor Lou was all cameras and smiles, he has little to be slapping himself on the back as another small man gets pummeled and taken to the ninth degree of the law for trying to make a little cash in a niche that is secretly condoned, and probably trying to cover his own needs to get through the day as well, while REAL traffickers keep safe and high and mighty in this crooked land of Hazleton. Oh, and ya gotta love the Speakers second pic for the news that day on the front page, Friday May 19th…Ya got Mayor Lou looking all important staring up into outer space whilst in the middle of the police and the one guy is just looking at Mayor Lou as if to say, “What the Hell are you doing here? We’re trying to work here!” By the way, did the Speaker get enough happy pictures of people being oppressed by Hazleton police? Oh and that sign they left on the premises of the shop they ‘closed’…’Sorry…They’re out of business. If you sell drugs you lose.’ The owners will probably be unjustly charged for the sign, and admonished for not paying the proper kickbacks to the right folks…Then they’ll be back in business on another street in a few weeks time. THINK ABOUT THAT PEOPLE! And keep in mind that Hazleton NEEDS all the revenue it can get. Closing businesses doesn’t help anyone unless ya want MORE senseless factories to swallow this area. Do you?
Bottom line is they (the powers that be) brought the drugs, the inner-city folk and all of it…and it blew up in their small-minded faces!

Graffiti Mars Pine Street Area

One street gets tagged and there is an epidemic of inner-city crime? Grow up Hazleton. Ya bring in metro people and you get metro life. Go get a bucket and a sponge if it bugs ya so much! Or just hide behind your curtains while the powers that be make all your decisions for you!

County Baseball Money Still on Bench

Not enough greenbacks and grease? So now cuz everyone has to be so petty (Hazleton as usual) the kids are gonna suffer cuz these yokels can’t get their heads outta their asses. Think about the kids for gawd sake!

Crestwood’s Hiring of Maintenance Firm Angers Some

And well it should. Plenty of jobs are gonna be out-sourced now when there are capable folks in this area that could use a job in maintenance and have the skills and the know-how. Why is this area always trying to shot itself in the foot and give everyone else are hard working dollars? You got to think of your own folks first.

Directors Revamp Effort to Amend HASD Hiring Policy
Now it will NOT ONLY be a question of who you know and who ya spread for. Now you’ll have to account at least three generations back that you have a hazleton deigo in your family heritage?

Lame Ducks

Lame politicians, lame area…too many kick backs…too much corruption…and too many people with their head in the sand.

City Needs More Doctors to Care for Latino Population, Panel Says

Huh? Wut? There’s nothing BUT doctors around here in the land of geriatrics. Amilcar Arroyo says according to the Speaker that ‘doctors may have to adapt to the customs of their patients who are Latinos.’ Huh? Wut? Huh? Look the doctors around here gotta just start charging less (which ain’t gonna happen) and I dunno what you need to do to accommodate Hispanic patients. What do they all have a third arm hidden under their shirts to make them more efficient factory slaves? That’s just stupid! Unless they’re not human, there should be no special requirements for medical care. And the doctors gotta learn Spanish? Granted learning a new language is open-minded, and Hazleton Pravda encourages expanding ones intellect, but hey folks, that goes both ways. Perhaps Latino patients should LEARN English? Huh? Habla ingles? Quiero a trabajar? Entonces, habla ingles! New ideas? If you go to France (and by the by don’t go to France) they expect YOU to speak French. You wanna come to Hazleton then learn CoalCracker with all it’s ‘henna’s and ‘pitza’s! Hazleton Pravda does support the Hispanic population as a new wave of immigration of a town and area built on immigrant’s hard labor, however these past generations of immigrant waves were required to Americanize and adapt to American culture. Hazleton Pravda feels that this novel concept should continue with new waves of immigrants learning the language of English and assimilating to American culture if they wish to reap the reward of the American Empire.

Two Charged in Slaying

‘Cops: Men in country illegally, dealt drugs’ according to the Speaker. This is Hazleton. There’s no money unless you’re selling something to make people FORGET that they ARE in Hazleton. Why doesn’t anyone get that? Or selling cigarettes. They’re OK to proliferate! Doy! These guys were filling a niche and the guy they shot evidently didn’t hold up his end of the bargain to their liking.

Police Plan to Continue Intensive Patrols (Continued from Above)

Now we thought that only the Japanese liked to mobilize. But they DO have to contend with Gojira. We only have to worry about greedy old white men who continue to strip mine this area of all it’s skin and bone and their greasy lapdogs that make it happen, oh and all the inner-city crime that the powers that be welcomed here with open arms hoping for a cheap slave-labor to pool from. Are we making this point clear enough for everyone?
But I guess any excuse for police in Hazleton to shake down the poor and weary denizens is just THAT a nice chance for Hazleton police to drive around and shake down the locals and bother mostly innocent people trying to survive in this ghetto we call home.

HASD Subpoenaed for Building Projects Records
It’s about time they got called on the carpet. Anyone wanna take bets on how many backdoor deals are uncovered? More to the point anyone wanna bet we, the denizens of *trumpets please* The Greater Hazleton Area!!!!! will never hear the true back story to all these nefarious building and rebuilding projects, not to mention the foot-dragging?

And now a word from the John Medashefski for Mayor Camp

“I just wanted to say that I sowed my oats and I matured. There will be no connections—No strings! The only connection I have is to the people—It’s [going to be] WE not ME!”

Coming Soon: “Now You See It…Stories From Cokesville, PA” by Bathsheba Monk

Madam Monk was kind enough to send an early copy of her collection of short stories to us at Hazleton Pravda, the book that outraged people in Tamaqua, which amused us here at HP very much. Her book will be out for the public on June 1st in bookstores. READ A BOOK PEOPLE! We will be having our staff do a review soon. Keep reading!

And one final note: DONATIONS! Look to your right PEOPLE! All you cheap bastards; Dig down in your pockets and help support Hazleton Pravda. You love us? You read us? Then support us! Even YOU, Mayor Lou (Hey! That rhymes!). We know you check the site out daily! Drop some change why dontcha?
—Gombeggar, Editor

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Artist Announces Candidacy for Hazleton Mayor's Post

Well, it's 'Hazleton' official. Is 'Hazleton' official a good thing? Now that it's graced the pages of The Standard Speaker; John Medashefski is tossing his hat in the race to be mayor of Hazleton. Speaking as one of the working class and calling crime his number one priority, Medashefski's in the melee now. Too bad the Speaker buried the article on the bottom of page four.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Council Takes Tough Stance on Separate League

The Hispanic quarter wants to have its own baseball league for young Hispanics, which according to the Speaker a resolution that will take the proposed $10 Grand for this and split it up among existing leagues states “The proposed creation of a Hispanic League of Little League will encourage cultural segregation.” There’s the key word, culture. It is better for the powers-that-be to stomp out individualism early on. Who do these freethinkers from the real world think they are anyway? They MAY have enough vowels in their names to suit the standing government, but they ain’t the RIGHT vowels! We must embrace our Latin brothers and break their spirits down to our level so they do nothing but what CANT DO and the Powers-that-be say. Then all will be right once more in the land of Hazleton. Besides that $10 Grand has probably already been long gone and spilt into the pockets of white (Hazleton white-trash that is) folk. Hazleton Pravda wouldn’t have made too much of this if it hasn’t been such a big thing in the so-called paper, The Standard Speaker. Really all this shows is that the powers-that-be wanna rope in what they thought would be sheep for the slaughter in the Hispanic peoples invited to come slave here in dreary ol’ Hazleton, and that they are trying to achieve this by lapdogging some of the Latino bigwigs. See below:

Lopez, Arroyo Tabbed for Little League Opening Day

See the Hispanics ARE just like us. They roll over too!

Hit Hard

According to the Speaker, “Rising gas prices affecting poorest Americans most.” So it’s finally being acknowledged that Hazleton is the poorest dump on Earth. How are we gonna afford to the only recreation we have in Hazleton, work and slavery now! Gotta get to work, cuz the factory will cut ya out like such deadwood if yer not there laboring at attention on time and hire some other sucker to replace ya. It’s not like they’ll give ya a raise to cope with the rising cost of ‘living’ which in Hazleton is a pack of smokes, five in the gas tank a Farmer’s Iced Tea and maybe a loaf of bread from the floor of Stroemann’s bakery every day from the Pantry Quick. And don’t count on the bread. Really just think how much it costs YOU the denizens of Hazleton just to get to the time clock and make it through the drudgery? It’s ridiculous. And the wondrous wages you receive are all JUST ENOUGH to keep you alive and keep you pumping out garbage day in and day out; just enough food; just enough for gas; just enough to numb you out so you catch some sleep and do it all over again on your next 100 hour shift of slaving. Ain’t it great that Hazleton provides so much for us all?

WOPOPHELIA—The feeling you get that your wallet is being bled dry by Hazleton deigos
—Doyna Yar, Contributing Writer

DEIGOPHOBIA—The irrational fear of Hazleton wops
—Gombeggar, Editor

Bloomsburg Man Killed in Collision on Airport Road

That beltway, the Airport Road needs to be widened and has for years. It also requires a turning lane. Not until enough palms get greased though. When you can smell olive oil in the air the time will be right. It’s like the cliched brimstone and sulfur smell when the devil appears, ya know?

HASD Committee Pleads for Funding for New Books

See, they’ve already spent all their money on radar detectors, mine fields, stazers, armed guards and such, oh and cigarette machines in the teachers lounge that they forgot to put aside any money for actual schooling implements, such as oddly enough books. “You can’t put it in (the budget) just because it’s for education.”—Rick Morelli, HASD Director, according to the Speaker. “What was cut from athletics?”—Steve Hahn, another HASD Director, according to the Speaker. That’s a REAL GOOD question, Mr. Hahn.

Freeland Woman Charged with Hindering Apprehension
Cheers to this heroic woman for trying to stand up to the oppression of local and state police, who treat the average denizen like a criminal, and a nondescript number on a citation no matter what the circumstance. Nevermind that it was a hit-and run. Anything’s legal according to Bob Dylan, “so long as ya don’t get caught!” If we all would try more to help our fellow man in the face of small town tyranny it would be a better world. Hazleton Pravda does frown upon lawbreaking, but the heavy-handed behavior of area police and the cold, unsympathetic and reactionary way of treating common people in this area is altogether outrageous. What ever happened to ‘Serve and Protect’? It’s now a euphemism for ‘Hand you a bill; You have no rights!’

Separatist League Loses County Funds

Gawd, the Speaker makes it sound like there’s a revolution going on cuz the Hispanics want a little league team. I guess Mayor Lou, ‘Il Ziluce’ is gonna declare martial law and annex Drums now for more Pine Street rowhomes. He’s gonna have ta!

Property Tax Reform

Reductions in property taxes in the Hazleton Area School District, but we have the BEST dirt! Well, it’s Hazleton, the property isn’t worth anything anyway

Luzerne County Burn Ban

Deigo-Lightning is of course the exception to this mandate. Feel free to burn down buildings and collect insurances.

HASD May Require Student Uniforms

What????? Teachers leave them kids alone! Why isn’t HASD more concerned with teaching kids how read and think and grow into complete human beings? Oh yeah. This is Hazleton. All the area requires is slave labor to chew up endlessly. So might as well start turning all these kids into clock punching drones as soon as possible, eh? It’s not bad enough that parents have enough to do providing kids with regular clothes and invisible backpacks and money for the pig slop that is cafeteria food. Now they’ll have another expense dumped in their laps. Hope there’s more overtime coming up. And don’t worry, cuz there iz!

Suspect in Fatal Shooting Pleads Guilty

“Yes, I killed ‘Flaco,’” Sanchez replied in Spanish. Guess that makes sense to admit it since like one hundred people saw the drive-by. What’s a shame is that this kid’s life is over now. He’ll never really know Hazleton factory bliss.

Christians Mark Good Friday

Yes, this is old news, but we at HP just wanted to remark how similar the re-enacting of Christ’s crucifixion is travelling to work at either the Valmont, Humboldt or Crestwood Industrial Parks. You’ve got a giant cross to bear, you’re being beaten and bloodied. No wonder the locals celebrate Easter in this area with such enthusiasm. They identify more with Christ on this day then any other, plus the people are totally dumbstruck by receiving a day off of the line!

HASD Calendar Hinges on ‘Castle’

The ‘Castle’s obviously behind schedule cuz not all the kickbacks and pay-offs have gone through quick enough to grease all the greasy fingers in this rotten town.

DEP Chief: PA Close to Getting Ethanol Plant

You have to wonder if this is all crap or not, like all the times GM Motors or Ford were coming to the area. It’s seems far too environmentally safe for it to have any place in this area. Now what we really need is a plant that processes the ancient and the money-changers around here into some form of useful material.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Well, we’re in the middle of the Three Daes of Recovery for Bachelor’s Week 2006. Hope ya got Alka-seltzer and vodka on hand to rest up right! We suggest using club soda whilst mixing too if things are that bad for ya.

Article Angers Tamaqua Residents

Funny how EVERYONE around here hates it so much when they get a little dose of reality. When people from the REAL world drop in and go ‘HEY! This place really really sucks!’ everyone gets up in arms that they’ve been insulted. Funny, no one steps up to the plate and goes, ‘Yeah, this area is a dump. Let’s fix it up and stop living like animals, huh?’ Nah, ya never hear that from the local yokels who are so used to looking at their shoes they’d go blind if they saw the sun. And the best part is that the author, Bathsheba Monk of this alleged cheap shot essay that appeared in the New York Times Magazine is just telling the truth. The whole area IS “flinty, dust-covered and squint-eyed.”
This is no different then when that journalist a while back came to Hazleton and after spending ONE day here he was so disgusted by the backwards nature and the corrupt government that he was compelled to write about and tell the world that Hazleton sucks! It does ya know. But don’t all be fools, people. Don’t get all up in arms cuz you’ve got a dose of truism. Stand up and straighten out this septic tank of a town and its surrounding area. Clean it up. Fix what is broken. And make changes for the good of everyone, and the better health and well-being of ALL people, not just the powers that be, the money changers and the whole rotten crust that keeps this place running like a plugged up sewer. And above all people, OPEN YOUR EYES!

End of an Empire

Another building gets torn down in Hazleton. This way someone gets their palm greased to put up a new cheap building that will collapse in upon itself within a decade after all the warranties expire in the place of a perfectly good building that just needed a little refurbishing so that it could return to service in the downtown area of Hazleton. Business as usual.

Police Probe Death

An octogenarian dies and there’s an investigation? Even after the statement is made that there is NO suspicions about the cause of death? He was old. Whoever he is he’s doing a service by NOT hanging around and dragging the rest of us down. If more old people would take such initiative this would be a better Hazleton!

Graduation Staying at High School

There’s a cheaper way to do EVERYTHING when it comes to education in Hazleton!

Now we have a special contribution from the John Medashefski Camp. This is the first OFFICIAL word from him sent to us on his bid for Mayor of Hazleton. Enjoy:

Speaking from the Soul of My Heart

The reason I'm putting my hat in the ring for Mayor is because in the last 10 years, I've seen this city regress and become deplorable--and the crime rate is out of hand. Personal friends from Harrisburg have come up and told me that the town is embarrassing--this is an embarrassment for myself and every citizen in this town.


As per the letters to the editor that have appeared in the past few days--I feel that people are seeing the same things as I am---the same people, the same names, nothing being done.
Personally, I have experienced 3 separate vicious incidents in this town within the past 2 years.
Many people have come into my shop asking--What can be done?--They've been victimized--Nothing is being done!! We're told that there is nothing wrong--that the city is in good shape!! Everything is just HUNKY-DORY!!

I'm tired of seeing the people in this town being oppressed--by people with big names and big money and not getting anything in return for all they've given.
I've been in this town all my life and have seen the changes, and none for the better--I agree with the recent letters to the editor.
I myself come from the working class, and I've worked, played, partied, and hung out with working class people. These are all good people. These people are the backbone of our society and of our city.
My beliefs come from what the nuns drummed into my head back in school that the paragraph that begins: "WE THE PEOPLE" (not ME)--means that the people are to be represented by the popular vote, not a singular person--but the MAJORITY vote. It's what the founding fathers said in that paragraph---NOT what they (the politicians) think they meant. READ IT--people--It's the first 2 commandments of the Christian Religion.
Also, I know what people's needs and wants are--not what "THEY" think people need and want. The reason for this is that I'm one of those people and I'll always be one of those people, the working class no matter where I go in my life. I'll never forget my roots and I'm not ashamed of where I come from---that's the principle this country is built on.

Over the past few years, I've become tired (and I'm sure that the rest of the people are too) of the so-called prominent and moneyed people (going back to the white slavery of the past 100 years in the mines) looking down on the majority of citizens as "scumbags" and "dirt"--having them 'Do as I say, not as I do'. THAT'S NOT IT!!!

"Our clothes might be dirty, but our hands are cleaner than any of yours."


John T.Medashefski

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Well, another Bachelor’s Week has begun today with April’s Fools Dae. Feel free to look back in our archives to last April, so to see how you can celebrate this week long dedication to manhood and the goodness about being free and clear to do as a bachelor may.

We at Hazleton Pravda would like to begin the rest of this session by addressing some of the feedback involving questions and concerns that we’ve received from our loyal viewing audience:

RADON in the Homes at Eagle Rock

According to one HP viewer this is an on-going problem that has received no real attention. We at HP share such environmental concerns and plan to research this subject further. In the meantime, we direct questions and concerns to:

Pennsylvania Dept of Environmental Protection (DEP)

We also invite everyone to discuss the issue in our open forum, which can found to the left of your screen.


Now this is a curious concern from our viewing audience. We at HP can’t really figure why anyone cares how we spell our racial slurs, but evidently some people out there want to make such their racial group gets called out on the carpet only under exact spelling conditions. For an explanation of OUR spelling please scroll down to comments about “An Occasional Visitor” posted Saturday, May 7, 2005. And again we invite everyone to discuss the matter in our forum to the left.

Quarry Lawsuit Settled

So it turns out Lonzetta Trucking has the BEST dirt in Pennsyltucky and they’re keeping it to themselves!

Board Mulls Valley HS

Now the question is who’s palm is it that needs greasing that has made this NEW project come to light?


Everyone in Hazleton is already dead. Some more then others (the geriatric vampires that they are). The rest of them just don’t stop, cuz they can’t be late for work at the factory.

EDITOR'S NOTE: The Standard Speaker has removed obituaries from it's already useless website some time ago due to the fact that there was a percieved drop in sales since people could go online and mull over morbidly the said obituaries. Cheap Bastards!

Spring Cleaning

Mayor Lou is all proud of this witticism of his as police make another big show of shaking down the last tiny link in a chain of drug trafficking into the area. Naturally it was just the low-men caught while minding their own business and trying to turn a buck in this blighted town. You’ll never hear of any REAL arrests going down otherwise the whole system of Hazleton might breakdown with no drugs to keep the people doped up enough to live through the factory drudgery and too many cops just idling around town. Oh, wait that last part is already going on.

And the Beat Goes On

HASD is more concerned AS USUAL about the bureaucracy of things instead of teaching students and making an environment for students that is less like a prison and more conducive to actual learning. This is nonsense debating about protocol over the hiring of teachers. This is just another example of our tax dollars funneling down the toilet.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Factory Bliss

All production slaves
Go to heaven

—A poem by Scoop Donkey

Hazleton Pravda and its staff aren't sure this is TRUE in Hazleton

Sunday, March 12, 2006


It seems the powers that be have done their best to hide and squash any and all resistance to their grand and deplorable scheme of trucking in MORE crap to this already filthy unkempt area. But we at HP managed to stumble onto some remaining local resistance. That’s right, folks! Not everyone’s back has been broken by those who wish to be our carpetbagging overlords! On local channel 19, the message channel is a quick and obscure mention of a meeting for SUFFER: Area Residents Against Dredge. This organization is having their meeting MARCH 14th at 7 PM at Lobitz Catering Hall on 940. Everyone who can attend please do. Stop the dredge before we are swimming in other people’s filth.

We would like to ask anyone with more information to contact Hazleton Pravda. Contacts are to the left of this website.

Hometown Hazards

This is another site with information about the DREDGE DREAD and links to other sites as well. HP highly recommends concerned peoples check this out.

Moon River

The Standard Speaker, premier paper for getting the fire started on damp days reports there is liquid water on a far off moon of Saturn. They however neglected to follow this with a local interest story that there is water on the brains of their staff as well.

Directors Resign From HASB Committes

According to the Standard Speaker “Two minority Hazleton Area school directors resigned from their committees, saying politics are preventing them improving education in the district.” Now let’s be fair folks. It’s more truthful to say that the local politics, politicians, CANT DO and the-powers-that-be are preventing EVERYTHING from improving in Hazleton. ENJOY! ENJOY!

Back in Black

When the Standard Speaker starts using AC/DC references to headline it’s so-called news then that must be a sign of the apocalypse. Sure the article refers to Hazleton General Hospital being in the black financially, but that is because of all the cutbacks, the gauging medical costs to the public, and the fact that their largest clientele the walking geriatric dead still out number the rest of us who are just the WORKING dead. How could HGH NOT be making money hand over fist even in Hazleton?

Medashefski Makes Announcement

Concerning and it seems confirming his rumored bid to run for Mayor of Hazle-Dump, i.e. Hazleton, John Medashefski quoted the right honorable Bob Dylan saying: “You better start swimming or sink like a stone, cause the times they are a-changing.”

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

JOHN MEDASHEFSKI Throws Hat Into Mayorial Ring

HP would like to apologize for an earlier mistake it reported. It is JOHN MEDASHEFSKI who is now looking towards the mayor-hood of Hazleton. Such is the inconsistency of rumors that we recieved wrong information. But now it seems these rumors are not only true, but that Mr. Medashefski is recieving a large amount of popular support, even from Mayor Lou himself! Of course this again is only talk on the streets. But whichever John is running, HP supports a change of the guard as we've said before. Good luck to Mr. Medashefski! You've got our vote!

Monday, February 20, 2006


That is now and as of Sun-ray 02-19-06, the OFFICIAL smell of Hazleton! Weee!!!

--Special thanks to Doyna Yar for that illuminating scent

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Drums Man Stabbed in State College

That’s just weird. Is even State College degenerating?

Strong Winds Buffet Area

Wow! The Standard Speaker makes headlines by stepping outside and going, hey! It’s cold and windy, du-huh? Great job guys!

Weekender Touts Staff Little Else

I guess the premier publication of ‘What Ta Do’ in the area can’t be faulted too much. After all, there is NOTHING to do from Wilkes-Barre/Scranton (except maybe leave via the airport!) all the way down to Berwick and Bloomsburg except spend money wastefully and watch local bands do anything but BE creative. Of course nobody seems to want creative. As a rule it seems that is a MAJOR break in local edict. Just dance like morons and go back to work on Monday. Still, if the Weekender would just stop plastering their super-journalist faces all over their paper and knock-off all the high school quality articles, then maybe they might have time to dig down and find some actual stuff to do around here, REAL places to go and things to do. If they were really clever, which it seems they’re not, then they would help to create events, make things happen that are worth while to see. ‘How do you do that?’ you ask? Well, HP ain’t gonna give ya all the answers. Try using your OWN gray matter for a change, think people! You want something better, make it better! Go out and get it before it is squandered away! The Sex Issue? Come on! Now if Ron Jeremy was back in the pages, well…

Lupas Blasts HASB Directors Following Criticism of Dirt Case

Never criticize the quality of OUR dirt, I mean the powers-that-be. If they don’t wanna do their jobs it’s their prerogative. Remember, in Hazleton and North East PA our elected officials own us. It’s not like we voted them their jobs or anything. And we shouldn’t put pressure on them to do their jobs when they have so many luncheons to attend, and don’t forget there’s golf that needs to be played! Leave our elected officials to their more important duties like that. Besides, it’s Hazleton. We are expected to be raped and pillaged by outsiders as well as our own scum. That’s why we pay taxes, ya know?

Cheney Takes Full Blame

Now HP usually doesn’t discuss national news here. We leave that to our sister forum The Institute Bulletin, but here is a special case that hits home to the slate-y hills of North East Pennsyltucky. What Cheney did SHOULD be considered an accident, hello? If all the hunting gun-play that goes on around here with wild drunken rednecks was ever reported, well…Let’s just say hunting would probably be outlawed here and all guns taken away for the public good. People are always shooting each other like bumpkins and no one EVER has to prostrate himself before anyone cuz he dun skinned his buddy! Yeah, the guy had a heart attack. I think you would to if yer were shot in the face with a shotgun spray. There are local stories of people killing each other out in the woods around here every season. And besides the guy's a lawyer. They're no good anyway! The point is that, hey! accidents happen when hunting. Leave the Vice President alone; he’s got a WHOLE country to run from behind the scenes as it is. And all of you out there go get some hunter training courses under yer buckled belts!

Editor's Note: We at HP are completely against the removal of guns from private citizen's. It is a Constitutional right that we back and support wholeheartedly.

No Charges To Be Filed in Dirt Case

I thought North East PA had the ‘best’ dirt in the state? What happen? We love the term ‘misplaced dirt’ from Harman-Geist stadium. So some ‘imported’ dirt was stolen. Maybe somebody can now grow something other then slate rock and coal ash in their backyard. Hey! Just look for someone with a REAL yard of grass or maybe a victory garden this spring in the heart of Hazleton, a.k.a. Pothole City and you’ve found yer culprit! Nothing GROWS in Hazleton except the weeds in the sidewalk cracks and even they struggle. Oh, and don't forget the piles of garbage come spring 'clean-up'! But remember everyone: We still have the BEST dirt!

Snow Buries Northeast

The Freaky Speaker then follows this headline and gives us a subtitle of ‘About 6 inches falls on Greater Hazleton.’ They almost sound disappointed that we didn’t get inundated! And then the article goes into facts about areas that REALLY got snow, ya know the actual factual news. That must have really killed the Speaker to report credible facts. Poor Hazleton. No snow. No trumpets.

‘Castle’ Changes Could Save HASD $1M

Well, gee. If they wouldn’t have let the building fall into disrepair in the first place and have it sacked by local carpetbaggers and thieves then they wouldn’t have had to invest so damn much in the first place.
As Doyna Yar (HP Writer) pointed out, however...This is all aimed at generating work, I'm sorry, I mean bids and money-s for the first families of local construction. The NEW high school didn't NEED to be made back in the early ninties. And leaving the old Hazleton HS to fall into disrepair allows for SO MANY contracts to flow throw SO MANY fingers to NOW renovate the old HAZ HS and put money in so many pockets that are NOT the common denizen of Hazleton. Thanks to Doyna for his insights.

Firm, HASB Discuss Possible Deal

CANT DO does the backdoor deal again. Hey at least THIS company will stay for TEN years before packing off to greener pastures. I guess a FIVE year tax break just don’t cut it no more. When do the people of the *TRUMPETS PLEASE* Greater Hazleton Area get a break?
Naturally, the big wigs tried to make this ‘discussion’ into a closed-door-status according to the Speaker, but surprisingly it was made public. So that means the deal will either fall through, OR the deal has already long since been made to the satisfaction of the powers that be. And the public gets another show.

Council Considers Noise Law Proposal

Does this include keeping loud mouth Deigos quiet? If so, HP is all for it!

Accused Killer’s Defenders to Get Help

We, at HP have been following this case casually. The influx of people from New Jersey and New York and the peoples farther South has been a strain on our backward community (word ‘community’ said laughably). There have been comments by the local white folk of there being a race war in Hazleton to blaming the Hispanics for every petty to major crime around here. All we can see are a lot more cops wasting tax money and concentrating on traffic violations anyway. Thanks Mayor Lou!
Otherwise, we have little to say of the case, except that we hope a ‘shrine’ doesn’t remain erected over the murder site forever.

COMMENT from a denizen of Hazleton: “I don’t care if they kill each other, just as long as they leave me and my family alone!”

Barletta Heads to Capitol

This is TOO easy! Shouldn’t it read Barletta Climbs Ladder AND Ignores Responsibilities in Hazleton? Why is Mayor Lou representing ANYTHING to the UN? Is it to show the Third World that things are lousy and mismanaged everywhere? Even in the United States? So many questions, so much pasta. This World Urban Forum III that he’s attending sounds like another project that’s making the world SAFER FOR POVERTY!

COMMENT from a denizen of Hazleton: “Mayor Lou, when are ya gonna take off the rose colored glasses?”

Writing on the Wall: Gang graffiti, attire have sophisticated meaning, purpose

Editor’s Note:—YOU are overqualified to work at the Speaker if you DONE HAS Spellcheck

All I can see is Richard Dreyfuss sitting in front of his mashed potato mound going: “This means something!” or more poignantly when Weird Al Yankovic did the same thing in HIS movie UHF simply because that underscores the WHOLE ludicrous-ness of the Standard Speaker article about graffiti in Hazleton. Well, it’s the SPEAKER. It’s supposed to be ludicrous. They wouldn’t write it any other way! But there has been graffiti on walls and in this town for the past ten or fifteen years. Big deal! That’s what happens when you invite the inner city to revamp Hazleton, you get metro-kind of things happening. Pandering to Hispanic paranoia. Big deal. There’s graffiti around now. It makes the broken down buildings look better anyway. Hell, it’s probably the first paint job some of these dumps have gotten in thirty years!

Panorama Still Only Good for Starting Campfires

Another month, another waste of a perfectly good tree. Panorama, still catering to the undead of Hazleton, is also still wallowing in the ‘good times’ that NEVER existed in Hazleton way back when. Schuylkill County Plus is still STILL far better.

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