Saturday, March 20, 2004
THIS JUST IN: Hazleton is STILL at a stand still, but working it's hardest to move backwards in time!
Yes folks, nothing exciting has happened in the Greater Hazleton Area, however you are all probably another day older and another day poorer thanks to the GREAT people in our local area trying to insulate there gigantic superficial homes and lives with your paper money. Can't wait to wake up to a packed lunch and a 12-hour shift can ya? Do I here 14? Overtime goes straight to Uncle Sam by then!
Yes folks, nothing exciting has happened in the Greater Hazleton Area, however you are all probably another day older and another day poorer thanks to the GREAT people in our local area trying to insulate there gigantic superficial homes and lives with your paper money. Can't wait to wake up to a packed lunch and a 12-hour shift can ya? Do I here 14? Overtime goes straight to Uncle Sam by then!
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Angela Park Struggles for Life
It is such a shame that one of the few nice things, an amusement park such as Angela Park has no place in the Greater Hazleton Area except as a training ground for State Police automotive requirements and lessons.
As a child, I have such fond memories of the place even if the last of which was me throwing up violently all over the video arcade room because I had stayed up too late the night before drinking JOLT cola with my comrade-in-arms until our brains were soaked with caffeine. Ahh--memories! BRING BACK JOLT DAMMIT! I'll lay bets that CANT DO would grab it up in a second to filthy the land with industrialization if they could just figure out who to bribe for zoning changes!
It is such a shame that one of the few nice things, an amusement park such as Angela Park has no place in the Greater Hazleton Area except as a training ground for State Police automotive requirements and lessons.
As a child, I have such fond memories of the place even if the last of which was me throwing up violently all over the video arcade room because I had stayed up too late the night before drinking JOLT cola with my comrade-in-arms until our brains were soaked with caffeine. Ahh--memories! BRING BACK JOLT DAMMIT! I'll lay bets that CANT DO would grab it up in a second to filthy the land with industrialization if they could just figure out who to bribe for zoning changes!
Upton Sinclair's The Jungle
This man wrote The Jungle at the turn of the beginning 20th century. It was a book (NOTE: READ PEOPLE!) all about the inhumanity to workers in the meat packaging industry and how they were met with horrible ends or became disfigured as a result of the working conditions. The disfigured or mauled people simply lost their jobs. There were more shmucks waiting outside the door to take their place. This prompted then President Theodore Roosevelt to become involved and for government mandates to be made. Changes were made back then.
We need another man like Teddy R, since CANT DO has jumped on the meat wagon with a present-day freak meat packing company (another 12-hour special)...I wonder if THEY get breaks or lunch? I wonder if OSSHA steps foot inside these places? Meat is bungled along by men and women who can't (CANT DO!) even speak the language. How can safety and health rules be followed in such a place? Ask the CANT DO farie, maybe? And why do we all have to give up our lives to 12-hour special shifts anyway? More importantly why are YOU (THE WORKERS) not asking these questions for yourselves?
This man wrote The Jungle at the turn of the beginning 20th century. It was a book (NOTE: READ PEOPLE!) all about the inhumanity to workers in the meat packaging industry and how they were met with horrible ends or became disfigured as a result of the working conditions. The disfigured or mauled people simply lost their jobs. There were more shmucks waiting outside the door to take their place. This prompted then President Theodore Roosevelt to become involved and for government mandates to be made. Changes were made back then.
We need another man like Teddy R, since CANT DO has jumped on the meat wagon with a present-day freak meat packing company (another 12-hour special)...I wonder if THEY get breaks or lunch? I wonder if OSSHA steps foot inside these places? Meat is bungled along by men and women who can't (CANT DO!) even speak the language. How can safety and health rules be followed in such a place? Ask the CANT DO farie, maybe? And why do we all have to give up our lives to 12-hour special shifts anyway? More importantly why are YOU (THE WORKERS) not asking these questions for yourselves?
Women Kills Twin by Refusing Caesarian
Well, here's another Honorary Citizen of Hazleton. As this list grows what are we gonna do with all the freaks we ALREADY have here? I guess the Hazleton Apartments are going to have to sub-let MacAdoo or sumpin.
Well, here's another Honorary Citizen of Hazleton. As this list grows what are we gonna do with all the freaks we ALREADY have here? I guess the Hazleton Apartments are going to have to sub-let MacAdoo or sumpin.