
Friday, July 01, 2005


Hello everyone out in Hazle-land! The cracks and pops have begun ushering in our Independence Day for the year 2005. Soon those small booms like distant thunder will grow and be joined by whistles and zips and loud thunderous crashes accompanied by showers of light in the hazy Hazleton sky. The long July 4th holiday weekend has begun.

With that in mind don’t forget that it’s a holiday and cops like nothing better then to heighten their oppression of people, evoke check-points, double their patrols and generally ruin any fun to be had here in Hazleton where to corrupt a Mel Brooks line: “It’s good ta be da HEAT!”

So watch out for check-points and if you can help it just get drunk or high at home (not that that’s safe anymore either). If you end up driving anywhere, remember that they can bust you for ANYTHING at a check-point or on a route patrol. It can be a busted headlight, an expired inspection…anything. You DON’T have to be loaded to get a ticket!

Some regular check-points to keep an eye out for or avoid are the 940 road from McDonald’s all the way through Freeland and lands beyond; The Stockton Road which intersects with 940; Route 93 (Broad Street) near the General Hospital….AND JUST STAY AWAY FROM BEAVER MEADOWS! The cops there are really nutz!

These are of course only SOME examples of check-points, the most common ones. Remember that there are plenty of other spots to set of a roadside check, not to mention the already mentioned increased patrols. This Fourth of July go out and have a great time, just don’t have any fun about it! Whee!

The fireworks are beginning to blister now and soon enough shot gun blasts will fill the air too, so everybody enjoy your long weekend and pray for rain! Enjoy your time off from drudgery eat, drink and be merry! And remember that this weekend is a CELEBRATION of an end to Tyranny, Over-Taxation, The Loss of Rights and a General Police State with winning of the Revolutionary War and the overthrow of a British presence in America. Thumb your nose at authority figures and institutions just the way the founding fathers did centuries ago! Tell CANT DO to go Fuck Off! Let the cops know they are pigs! And the factories, they are slave camps! Let it be said that the potholes aren’t fixed cuz the city is corrupt and that more money changes hands to keep the children of our schools imprisoned then to teach them a damn thing!
--Gombeggar, Editor

Barletta: Hazleton Will Have Fireworks This Year, After All

“If Mayor Lou says it, it’s gotta be a waste of time listening!” –Anonymous Quote Hazleton Pravda Staff

Well, we’re getting fireworks TONIGHT, Friday night July the First. This must be akin to how Arbor Day was scheduled a week out of sync with the rest of the country last year, either that or this is Deigo Independence Day, which has something to do with Columbus discovering Hazleton’s memorial park on Church St. and Diamond Ave. sometime in the 1950’s. Ahh, the Fourth of July Hazleton style. We are all assured of having the lackluster fireworks display which just gets thinner every year. Can’t the powers-that-be get some BETTER illegal fireworks trucked in from New Jersey this year? Guess not And of course, the Harmen-Geist Stadium is still unsuitable for hosting any public venues. It looks like a golf-course war zone. It’s nice that they tore down the prison like walls, but somehow it makes a Hazletonian feel so much more…um….uh…FREE. Yeah, free. That’s the word. It’s almost like a school-oriented site in Hazleton is NOT akin to Auschwitz and Russian Gulags and other such prisons. Rebuilding of Hazleton with open spaces and living greenery like this and we’ll never get anymore factories to come here for five-year clips. If things become open and civilized CANT DO will NEVER strike that deal to get the remnants Khmer Rouge to come to Hazleton to work as Pinkertons!

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