
Thursday, April 06, 2006

Well, we’re in the middle of the Three Daes of Recovery for Bachelor’s Week 2006. Hope ya got Alka-seltzer and vodka on hand to rest up right! We suggest using club soda whilst mixing too if things are that bad for ya.

Article Angers Tamaqua Residents

Funny how EVERYONE around here hates it so much when they get a little dose of reality. When people from the REAL world drop in and go ‘HEY! This place really really sucks!’ everyone gets up in arms that they’ve been insulted. Funny, no one steps up to the plate and goes, ‘Yeah, this area is a dump. Let’s fix it up and stop living like animals, huh?’ Nah, ya never hear that from the local yokels who are so used to looking at their shoes they’d go blind if they saw the sun. And the best part is that the author, Bathsheba Monk of this alleged cheap shot essay that appeared in the New York Times Magazine is just telling the truth. The whole area IS “flinty, dust-covered and squint-eyed.”
This is no different then when that journalist a while back came to Hazleton and after spending ONE day here he was so disgusted by the backwards nature and the corrupt government that he was compelled to write about and tell the world that Hazleton sucks! It does ya know. But don’t all be fools, people. Don’t get all up in arms cuz you’ve got a dose of truism. Stand up and straighten out this septic tank of a town and its surrounding area. Clean it up. Fix what is broken. And make changes for the good of everyone, and the better health and well-being of ALL people, not just the powers that be, the money changers and the whole rotten crust that keeps this place running like a plugged up sewer. And above all people, OPEN YOUR EYES!

End of an Empire

Another building gets torn down in Hazleton. This way someone gets their palm greased to put up a new cheap building that will collapse in upon itself within a decade after all the warranties expire in the place of a perfectly good building that just needed a little refurbishing so that it could return to service in the downtown area of Hazleton. Business as usual.

Police Probe Death

An octogenarian dies and there’s an investigation? Even after the statement is made that there is NO suspicions about the cause of death? He was old. Whoever he is he’s doing a service by NOT hanging around and dragging the rest of us down. If more old people would take such initiative this would be a better Hazleton!

Graduation Staying at High School

There’s a cheaper way to do EVERYTHING when it comes to education in Hazleton!

Now we have a special contribution from the John Medashefski Camp. This is the first OFFICIAL word from him sent to us on his bid for Mayor of Hazleton. Enjoy:

Speaking from the Soul of My Heart

The reason I'm putting my hat in the ring for Mayor is because in the last 10 years, I've seen this city regress and become deplorable--and the crime rate is out of hand. Personal friends from Harrisburg have come up and told me that the town is embarrassing--this is an embarrassment for myself and every citizen in this town.


As per the letters to the editor that have appeared in the past few days--I feel that people are seeing the same things as I am---the same people, the same names, nothing being done.
Personally, I have experienced 3 separate vicious incidents in this town within the past 2 years.
Many people have come into my shop asking--What can be done?--They've been victimized--Nothing is being done!! We're told that there is nothing wrong--that the city is in good shape!! Everything is just HUNKY-DORY!!

I'm tired of seeing the people in this town being oppressed--by people with big names and big money and not getting anything in return for all they've given.
I've been in this town all my life and have seen the changes, and none for the better--I agree with the recent letters to the editor.
I myself come from the working class, and I've worked, played, partied, and hung out with working class people. These are all good people. These people are the backbone of our society and of our city.
My beliefs come from what the nuns drummed into my head back in school that the paragraph that begins: "WE THE PEOPLE" (not ME)--means that the people are to be represented by the popular vote, not a singular person--but the MAJORITY vote. It's what the founding fathers said in that paragraph---NOT what they (the politicians) think they meant. READ IT--people--It's the first 2 commandments of the Christian Religion.
Also, I know what people's needs and wants are--not what "THEY" think people need and want. The reason for this is that I'm one of those people and I'll always be one of those people, the working class no matter where I go in my life. I'll never forget my roots and I'm not ashamed of where I come from---that's the principle this country is built on.

Over the past few years, I've become tired (and I'm sure that the rest of the people are too) of the so-called prominent and moneyed people (going back to the white slavery of the past 100 years in the mines) looking down on the majority of citizens as "scumbags" and "dirt"--having them 'Do as I say, not as I do'. THAT'S NOT IT!!!

"Our clothes might be dirty, but our hands are cleaner than any of yours."


John T.Medashefski

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