
Sunday, July 23, 2006

Barletta Wants IIRA Amended

His fifteen minutes are UP and gone, still he scratches for more. Carrion eaters do the same. They also suck the marrow from the bones of dead things and eat their entrails. And Il Zilcho might need a toothpick for that big rigor mortise grin of his.

Super Wants Teachers, Principals to Enforce New HASD Dress Code

You heard the superintendent, teachers! Drop yer pens and books. Get out a ruler and start checking hemlines and shit! Cuz that’s what school in Hazleton is ALL about. Forget about TEACHING. This school district is run by assholes! It always was and always will be. It’s disgusting how no one cares that these kids are being churned out barely capable of reading and scarred for life cuz every morning they are shoved through a day of prison-like oppression. Did everyone get their school taxes in the mail? That’s going for higher security and better surveillance, not edible food and adequate and proper schooling. Let’s worry about little Janey’s jeans or Michael’s T-shirt cuz it says something that adults are terrified of. The school district is filled with a bunch of bastards who have no business being employed to ‘teach’ a goddamn thing!

Humboldt Boil Advisory Lifted

CANT DO lifted a boil advisory on water in the Humboldt Industrial Park; probably just after OSHA and DEP representatives drove off the park property. A trace amount of FECAL bacteria was found coming from General Mills; lovely thought. This is followed by what? Ninty-nine percent plastic polymer from Genova? Asbestos run-off from Corning? Clumps of lead oxide from god knows any of the evil plants out there? What else? FUCK THE FACTORY—THEY ARE FUCKING YOU! On a side note: The Standard Speaker WASN’T notified about the ban in the first place according to the Speaker. Yeah right! They were TOLD BY THEIR MASTERS NOT TO PRINT ANYTHING UNTIL IT CAME OUT CLEAN. Bastards again!

Panorama First

It SEEMS (we at HP can't be too sure of this, there's fecal matter in the water afterall) that Panormay (magazine for the geriatric and dimwitted) ACTUALLY did an article on someone interesting, Alex Chamberlin. This is most astonishing, a story on someone who's actually done something, not a story about some happy loon in a nursing home reminiscing about how great it was to pail out the ol' outhouse in winter. Chamberlin is a fascinating man. The story was lousy, of course cuz it's Panoramy and therefore didn't mention one jaunt of the amazing life that Chamberlin has lead. And we at HP are SURE Mr. 'My Fingers Look Like Sausages' had not a thing to do with it anyway. Probably had go get mustard or something and a good idea must have slipped past.

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