
Saturday, January 07, 2006

"nothing like a foot to find broken glass"

Quote- “City store warned about selling pornography” [the Standard Sellout]
-OR- Super Lou saves city moral fabric

Why I don’t read the paper by Doyna Yar

This day I happened to notice an article in the paper my ol’ man was reading, rather it stabbed me in the sensibility. According to the [sub]Standard Speaker rag the Mayor and his jack-booted lackeys decided to defend the moral fabric of Hazlehole by “raiding” Merf’s News Stand on Wyoming Ave. The only official whom had any legitimate business there is the code officer. Sound’s good, eh? Bullshit! I smell an olive oil stinking plot. Anyone who resides [exists, there's no such thing as living there] in Hazleland knows full well that Merf’s has had legally displayed properly sealed and un-browse-able adult magazines and material for decade upon decade. Hell, I used to purchase Hustler’s there back in the 80’s! So, what’s the poop, why now is Merf’s a threat to Hazletucky? Then I read on… new owners from outta state… and they don’t seem Italian, Jewish, or Irish… Obviously cuz they don’t know who to pay off! That’s why Il Zilcho had to put his foot down on a true icon of Hazleton- Merf’s. The Have’s haven’t got their cut, and their errand boy Lou and his tax-employed thugs had to send a message, but the spin is about the evil of porn and the illustrious Mayor defending the soccer moms’ [hypocrisy warning] virgin eyes! And now my friend you know why I haven’t been able to read the local trash paper since ‘94- each page only serves to raise the blood pressure by serving up lies and half-truths and telling you how grateful you ought to be! Right about here I should be urging a ground swelling of public support for Merf’s, but this is Hazleton and everyone is complacent… glad I don’t live there… you go get a mirror, I'll go puke.

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