
Saturday, April 03, 2004

Today is the third day of Bachelor's Week: Chicken Day! So go get some chicken any kind will do from roasts to KFC to McNuggets (Watch out for yummy veins!). Repitition is evidently a theme of Chicken Day (but we're not all together sure) so tune in to the Three Stooges marathon on AMC!

Friday, April 02, 2004

Today is the second day of Bachelor's Week: Angry Friday. I hope you're all good and hung over because its another glorious cloudy gray day in the Greater Hazleton Area!

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Coal History Goop

Well we still got slate...and strip mines...and we are notoriously know as Coal Crackers...*singing* "...And they've taken everything from the ground...in good old Haz-le-town..."

Area Waterways Stocked for Trout Season

That's right we can't fix the roads in the Greater Hazleton Area, but we can flood our polluted streams and creeks with cattle ranch amounts of trout for the sport of those too lazy to go to ACTUAL water sites where these fish naturally habitat.

April’s Fools Dae

Today is April 1st and for most people it is the holiday of jokes and pranks, April Fools Day. But as APRIL’S FOOLS DAE, an official Institute holiday this begins the celebration of Bachelor’s Week. What is all this? Well, APRIL’S FOOLS DAE commemorates all of the men (you know who you are!) had by April (a.k.a. Flowers), one of Freeland’s friendliest most distinguished little whore. Celebrate this day with lotsa overindulgence and heavy drinking and whoring around along with sobbing and whimpering up to and including April 4th (Bachelor’s Day) where we celebrate the non-committal as bachelors to the opposite sex, and not having any bastard children (that we know of), after which there are three days of recuperation. Enjoy! Happy April’s Fools Dea!

Special Fluffy Windu Thanks to Raymond (Don’t forget to check out the Institute Bulletin!)

Spring Cleanup Is Coming!

Yes, folks it soon going to be that time of year, the Spring Cleanup that last from spring till…oh just about the 4th of July! This the long wonderful time of year when the streets of Hazleton are jam-packed with the garbage that the locals have been squirreling away in their homes from the year before of better (Yeast!). There is everything from stained whory mattresses to broken birdcages and busted sump pumps. It’s another wonderful expression of the backward hick beautification process. And when the junk picker’s come out of the woodwork and comb the streets in search of Hazleton-Gold, look out cuz they’ll fight ya for that junk like angry dogs! The city authorities don’t mind this too much and even allow it to drag on so long because they are too cheap to pay to have the whole mess hauled away after a week (as it should be). Let the junk pickers peck away at it along with the flies. I can’t wait! See yous on the junk heap, I mean the streets of Hazleton! Something to think about: How is it that every year everyone puts out the same gigantic pile of junk in front of their home, if not a pile bigger then the year before. I think the junk is just being redistributed around the city. It’s like the have-junks and the not-have-junks. STAY TUNED for updates on trashland USA!

Better Hazleton

Here is another site with some insights into the wonderful world of the Hazleton Area. But don't be fooled by the idea of fixing Hazleton that is deeply rooted in this site's opinions. I'm not above trying to fix Hazleton, but in order to do that there must be a major cleaning of house. Still don't give up hope. If enough of us want to fix things RIGHT then just maybe it will happen. Otherwise, my advice is to move and move far away!

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