
Monday, November 29, 2004

The poor and impoverished staff of Hazleton Pravda would (in this time of giving) like everyone visiting this site to take the time to look to their right on the screen and utilize the donation option newly intergrated to our humble blog. Doing so will help to keep Hazleton Pravda alive and allow our pitiful staff to continue to bring you unspoken truths about the desolation of Hazleton. Reach deep and give charitably after all...it's x-mas soon!

--Pravada Staff

The Staff of Hazleton Pravda would like to extend a belated 'Happy Turkey Give the Fucking Land Back to the Indians and Let Them Build Casinos on Our Strip Mines Day' to everyone! We hope that everyone had a nice break, ate enough too much and that you ALL loathe going back to the slave labor jobs that we all must contend with in the miserable town of Hazleton. Let's all look forward to the soon to come x-mas holiday. And in the words of John Lennon: 'So this is Christmas-And what have you done?'

Ahead of the holiday please try to embrace good will and do everything you can to make it a better world in Hazleton. That shouldn't take too much, a kind word or just putting your trash in garbage cans instead of littering the road and you will all have done 110% more then is expected of you. Now get yer ass to work! Plastic doesn't burn all by itself, ya know!

Hazleton Pravda would like to present the lyrics to an as yet unrecorded song from the on-going 'Pack Up Yer Onion Tour'off-shoot:

The CANT DO’s Latest Victim; They’re Heartless Bastards Wizdo Tour Band Thing -n- Onions -n-Cheese

I read the classifieds today –oh boy!
There were a lot of jobs for nursing there
And a whole bunch of driver jobs
But not a one for a writing man

I saw the local news today –oh boy!
The Italian army surrender up more jobs
The factories they brought today
Were like slave labor camps

Nobody was really sure that Nazi concentration camps
Were really even as bad as this!

I’d love to be—treated—like—a—human—being…in Hazleton!
But that’s too much to ask!

Woke up
Fell outta bed
Went to work
And wished I was dead
Smelled acrid smoke and cut my hand!
Made the boss a hundred grand
Got a break
It was over like that
Overtime no choice in that
I died a little more that day
The whip got cracked and I saw my life was over

I read the classified today—oh boy!
There was a managerial position
But I wasn’t qualified
Because my name didn’t end in a vowel
And though I tried and tried and tried
Hazleton just kept on beating me down

I’d love to be—treated—like—a—human—being…in Hazleton!
What a joke!

Thanks to John & Paul for the music and inspiration

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