
Wednesday, April 28, 2004

New Horror Movie Coming: The Village
Set in rural PA...There's another account of the twisted nature of PA that everyone who visits can see plain as day. Everyone knows we are backward here but us! And they make movies about us being weird and freaky for a reason! See also the movies Kingpin, Nothing But Trouble and Village of the Damned (the later is NOT set in PA, but it ought to be!)

Hazleton’s New Slogan: “It’s like this everywhere”
--Brought to you by the ‘Don’t Leave Hazleton Campaign’—
This will replace the old slogan of ‘It’s no better any place else’.
We at Hazleton Pravda will be keeping you update as to how to get involved with this organization including membership, dues, duties and its charter design of keep intelligent, mobile people from escaping the dry, dead clutches of THE GREATER HAZLETON AREA! *trumpets*
Thanx Kaph

Strip Club Coming to Wilkes-Barre!
Due to the township of Wilkes-Barre’s inaction a judge last Thursday allowed the strip club: Club 10 Plus to go through with possibilities for all-nude dancers! Now this is a forward thinking area. Hazleton could take a lot of notes here. The club will be in the growing area near the Wachovia Arena.

The Castle on the Hill Re-Opens
Overcrowding has forced the Hazleton Area School District to actually and properly utilize the Old Castle instead of letting it sit and rot any longer. Although it is probably a mess inside by now. It sat empty for how many years now? All the powers-that-be are probably upset that they couldn’t turn it into a sweat shop or flop house or something that Hazleton NEEDS!

Turkey Hill Robber Nabbed
Ya the poor guy went and robbed Ferdinand’s Family Restaurant first. How was he to know that there’s only cheap old geriatrics going there with no thing but water pills? So he was forced to rob the Turkey Hill down on the Beltway too! He even had to rob Biaggio’s on Broad Street. I hope he nabbed enough to get a Gatorade after all that running around he did. Probably not. Probably just a lot of Hazleton IOUs and those water pills!

UPDATE: Markle Building
Rendell is giving a big fake check to the downtown of Hazleton. Good thing fatty Mr. Meat & Potatoes wasn’t there! It seems even more money will again be flowing into the pockets and homes of the powers-that-be in Hazleton. They can squander it all as usual. And in ten years when the state and federal governments have changed hands a couple times and forgotten, Hazleton can beg for more money! The cycle continues.

Mayor Lou For Congress?
So Mayor Lou wants to play with the big fish, huh? Well, he’s a politician, which means he’s no good. And he’s a Hazleton politician, which means the Devil Plumber has a *special* assignment for him in Hell. I mean, just look at all the GOOD *laughing hysterically* that he or any previous mayor has done for THE GREATER HAZLETON AREA! Besides, he incriminates himself just by mentioning how he got to leave Hazleton, but came back. Only the destitute, unlucky and stupid come back here. Why didn’t he stay in the real world? If you can’t hack it there and come back here, then I want no part! Go be a Juice Man*.

By the way, hope everyone went out to vote yesterday. It DOES mean something!

*Juice Man is the term for one of the highest-ranking members of the Freeland Higherarchy, part of the Freeland Triumvirate. See also Dreg, Bum.

High Taxes Low Return. Sounds Like PA to Me!
Its nice to see PA ranks up there with states such as CA, NY, TX and FL, you know, states that are actually potentially sort of enjoyable to live in.
Thanks Keith Kong

You Know You’re From Hazleton If…
This page has the right idea, but Hazleton Pravda is going to have to work on an updated version

Monday, April 26, 2004

Panorama Magazine (It’s free cuz ya gotta give this shit away!)

This is another wonderful example of bootlicking, back stabbing Hazleton business as usual. It is a symptom of the stagnation of this area. Run (this is said laughingly) by a moron (one that lives in fear of anyone smarter then himself) and a crew of people who all run business by the skin of their teeth, the backdoor Hazleton way, there is Panorama Magazine. It is perfect for this area because it is run on the cheap by a person who’s strongest character trait is his cheapness (This information is from multiple sources including his own employees). The fact that it claims it is a FREE magazine brings the denizens of Hazleton out in droves. I’m told old biddies fight over these oh so coveted publications. It is full of ads from local businesses that have really nothing to say except buy our product. Of course, each business claims it is the best…in Hazleton. That’s a load of crap! The bottom of the barrel shooting for ad space in bottom feeder magazine that caters to geriatrics and the death that is creeping upon them. What is considered content are the stories of how great this area was (of course it was never great) and features on anyone whose boots can be licked by this publication’s so-called boss. I think his tongue should be awful tired by now. Granted, it’s a niche. Hazleton loves to believe there were glory days in the desolation of their past. ‘Look at that! It’s a story about a factory. My grandfather lived and died there without making anything of himself! Isn’t that grand? Here’s an old breaker. When we were kids I remember we had so much fun picking coal off the line, being all cut up and dirty. My dad died of black lung.’ *Singing* Ah! Memories! Wonderful Hazleton memories! Who can possible look back like this and be thrilled? Panorama is another example of how an idiot from Hazleton who can barely spell his own name can make it in this town full of senile fools because he can lie cheat and promise (not that he’s really any good at it, but just that most Hazletonians are idiots. *See Institute Bulletin Polls). It is NOT Darwinism. It is the bigger idiot theory. Aren’t ya glad you live in Hazleton? Oh, I’d link you to the website, but the owner is too cheap to set one up and doesn’t know anyone stupid enough to do it for free.
Here’s a picture of Mr. Meat and Potatoes himself. Notice he is handing off a check. This is for the American Cancer Telethon. He is merely presenting someone else’s check, but you’ll notice he still can’t seem to let go of it anyway.

Schuylkill Plus
This is Panorama's chief frustration. It makes their owner nutz, well nutty-er then he already is. So check out their competition. It's not really too much different. I just don't think this other guy is quite as insane, or small-minded.

Angela Park in Pictures
Thanx Kaph
See the sights. See the sights being torn down. The Greater Hazleton Area Landfill!

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Well, Today pretty much wraps up the Jim Thorpe Earth Day Celebration. It sums itself up on a wet note. Hope everyone did more then enjoy the festivities though. I hope everyone at least tried to be conscious of his or her trash-making consumption and environmentally poor habits. What we do today to better our world’s environment will give us a few more tomorrows (with some luck!). And if you didn’t do anything for or about Earth Day, then take the time to, even it means just cleaning up you own back yard!

To be fair: Here is a link citing the very antithesis of Earth Day here. Now on to other rants!

It’s Sunday today. I hope all the little Catholics took the weekly dose of God before returning to their tarot cards and tea leaves. It sickens me when people are bastards all week long then they go to church, confess their sins and they’re free by Catholic Rites to go ahead and be bitches and bastards to everyone for another week or do whatever they please knowing God is gonna forgive ‘em next Sunday. How liberating a religious experience that must be! Catholics got it all too. They have idol worship (ya know crucifixes or saint statues) and that doesn’t have ANYTHING to do with honoring false gods or anything as far as they are concerned. Catholicism (NOT Christianity) is so nicely deplorable in its forgiving attitude. So long as you put your money in the basket, you are set; good to go! And there are ‘Indulgences’ were by you can buy your way to heaven (or someone else’s; doesn’t really matter). Just so long as the price is right and the Pope got his cut then it’s straight to the pearly gates. Jackie Kennedy did that for our President back in the sixties. Gee, wonder what she thought he might have done to bar him from heaven eternal? Suffice to say, organized religion is a bad thing. Organized religion caught up with slack morals and bent on capitalistic gain to promote itself is just disgusting!

VVNW: Care Packages for Our Soldiers Overseas

Here is an organization I discovered that is helping to alleviate some of the pressures on our soldiers in this multi-fronted war, many of whom are men and women from Pennsylvania. I’m not in favor of war. I AM in favor of taking care of our people. And if a little comfort such as care packages helps then I’m for THAT! The VVnW also has a blood drive program. Check that out!

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