
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

SPECIAL NOTE ON LOCAL GREED: In case we forgot to mention to all our loyal viewers, this is just a reminder about the Standard Speaker site. Although it APPEARS that they worked on it, probably due to our chiding of them, they updated their site to HAZLETON DICK standards and made their site into a Hazleton Catch 22. In otherwords, all our links to them for backlogged stories require you the reader to pay a fee. Gawd they’re cheap and greedy bastards! This may make our links appear useless, however it is all the more point for us to link you to Hazleton’s premier lapdog—supposed—newspaper, so that you can see yet another reason why people in Hazleton must wake up to the unspoken truths that make…oh just read what’s right under our title!

—Gombeggar, Editor

Columbus Day Observed

Happy Columbus Day Everyone! It’s such a festive and stupid holiday (we at HP love it!) that it only helps if yer in school or a mailman, but hey! North Korea’s Kim Jung Il really got into the spirit of things—He lit off one hell of big firecracker today to honor Columbus’ discovering Diamond Avenue in Hazleton. What a great guy he is—Kim Jung Il—Not Chris Columbus—sorry, Chris Colon (to use his spaghetti name)! Oh, that crazy dictator-kid! On a more local note and speaking of Il Zilco: Mayor Lou is gonna personally give a speech or something down at the Diamond at some big dumb spaghettio event. Yes spaghetti is the food of the day! Now did Mayor Lou attend St. Patrick’s Day events? How about for Martin Luther King Day? Here’s a good one. How about any of the HISPANIC holidays? Isn’t the mayor suppose to represent all the people? Why does it seem like only Italian heritage is fostered here in Hazleton anymore? Enjoy the parades everyone!
—Gombeggar, Editor

Fair Play

“Market Fair owner could lose city’s support if fiscal problems continue” according to Speaker.

Where to begin? Fair play? What an awful ‘play’ on words. Should be more like FOUL PLAY. The Great Frenchie Carpetbagger of the Pocono Market Fair Disaster has finally been seen for the charlatan that he is. He finally rubbed the wrong people the wrong way, by that we mean he stiffed the diego hordes of the Hazleton construction mob. Yep, Roger Soler, first he burned all his renters, then the city making money hand-over-fist, now he’s burning the contractors too—and they’re suing his french-canadian ass. He’s already since July of 2005 according to the Speaker soaked the Business Development Loan Program for $300,000! And he was trying to get an additional $271,000 through the city? It’s amazing the DCED is reconsidering giving it to him. Can you say moneypit children-— think ya can! He even bought the Pocono Market Fair in the first place for a song and a dance at $200,000. Plus he got it under that tax exemption bullshit. So that makes a lot of sense. His five years must be coming up…time to fleece another town, maybe? Currently, and at the beginning of the busiest shopping season of the year going into Christmas, the Market Fair is ‘closed for renovations’—something’s rotten on Poplar Street, friends. What about all the shop owners? What the hell are they going to do? They opened up shops to MAKE money. And all the commercial revenue that is being lost to the city? Lost on Soler? We think not. Naturally Il Zilco—Da Mayor is still kissing Soler’s ass. Shouldn’t the Mayor have the city’s best interests in mind? After the Civil War, carpetbaggers like this were run out of town at gunpoint. Why does Hazleton have to pander to him? Once again we the TAXPAYERS will end up shouldering this, another GOOD DEAL in Hazleton. Here’s what Il Zilco had to say:

“We are aware of [Soler’s financial follies] and we want him to take care of it. We think this is a great project. And, we do think Roger is the man to follow through on it.”—Mayor Lou, according to the Standard Speaker.

The Pocono Market Fair -
- Hazleton's equivalent to Springfield's Monorail!
Sold to you by that piano tickling charlatan Ro'ger-
Remember to Vote Quimby... er Barletta!

Audit: City Finances OK—for Now

Well, we at HP don’t buy it. How can we be doing so good if shops are being arbitrarally closed, factories (disgusting as they are) are packing up and leaving after they lose their tax breaks and every red bloody cent is tied up in the evil powers-that-be of this wretched town, so that NO prosperity can be made with out kick backs and backdoor dealings? And even then a person can hope to just get by. More lies from the Speaker? That’s all. There just doing what they’re told. And printing what they are told to print. Business as usual in Hazleton.

Scranton Council May Review Hazleton’s IIRA

Oh no! All the Hispanics are running to Scranton! Everybody run to the hills! The Latinos are comin’! The Latinos are comin'! Gawd this paranoia is well out of control. And so what if they are migrating? Scranton and Wilkes-Barre are just big Hazleton and they'll find that out. Same game tiny bit bigger pond. Real tiny! And that in and of itself is nasty, sad and a pathetic thought. Not to mention an easy truism.

Panel Slams Illegal Immigration Law

King’s College criticized this whole nonsense, and good, however this is coming from a college and even backwoods colleges such as those in Pennsyltucky are still just like all colleges in the nation: detached and idealistic. This miserable area, the coal cracker region has no time for right and honest, morals, mores. There’s just the backstabbing, the money changing, the bending over and loving every minute of it. Colleges live in isolation, lucky them. In the real world of our area there’s nothing but vultures, weasels—all cutthroat bastards to be sure—people climbing up the ladders and people falling down them—and then there’s people who say, hey this is wrong. And they get thrown right off the ladder altogether. For to wit we need change. It would be lovely if all the world were like a college campus, but all this region is is a slave pit. That’s why we at HP constantly implore the working class slaves and such to think, to try, to speak out—ahh but to no avail. Stop being sheep people. Realize that yer being taken advantage of and pushed around. Your voice counts unless you don’t use it. So cheers anyway to King’s College and the selected panel for criticizing this nonsense law as “racism” according to Stephen Glassman.

Five People Charged in Paintball Vandalism

Ya know, ya just can’t cut loose and have any fun around here anymore.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

This is an old post we've been sitting on since just September, but it's still poinant enough of a rant--Gombeggar, Editor

Uncertain If ‘Castle’ Deadline Will Be Hit

They need another $80,000, huh? Either someone’s buying a home or there’s a lot of people watching ‘Scarface’ and doing coke! This is all horrendous. Everything in this glorious town turns into a money pit. And every chance and opportunity to do some community good gets swamped in bureaucracy.

Will It Ever Stop?

The Standard Speaker was speaking about the rainy weather from last week. We at HP were thinking about the corruption, the poor jobs, the low standard of living, the fat cats who are skimming off the top to keep this rat-hole-town under thumb, the litter, the bad roads, the militant police, the trucked in filth, the fly ash, the strip mining, etc…Ya see the rain we need…actually we need a biblical flood to wash all the backdoor filth from this town. More importantly (soapbox if you please) we need the denizens (the people) of this town to stand up for themselves and stop being apathetic. We need the people of this town to try and make things better for themselves. We need the people of this town to break the chain of this oppression cycle and speak up and demand REAL change that actually benefits the common man (or in hazleton’s case, the common slave). We need to have people get off their asses. Folks out there read this all the time here at HP, yet no one seems to listen. Change can begin if just one person says, ‘No, I don’t wanna work swing shifts’ ‘No, I’m not gonna throw my garbage out on the roadside’ ‘No, I don’t want dredge sludge polluting my land more’ or ‘No, I wanna know where my tax dollars go’. Any of these statements and more; things that are on the general public’s mind, but YOU don’t do anything about it. Don’t be scared or lazy. Speak up and speak out for gawd sake! People: read a book and grow some balls!

Quietly, Illegals Law Passes (Standard Speaker speak)

“Uproar over city’s immigration law not evident during final vote on bill” according to the Standard Speaker. Nonsense. Utter nonsense. It was all probably kept so closed up and under wraps, not to mention police over killed that hardly anyone could in, especially after the last time when people (oh gasp!) spoke out against the powers that be for their reckless mistreatment of people THEY THEMSELVES invited here.

Had a Blast!

Another year of FREAKFEST. Thank gawd it’s over. Hazleton’s spectacular showing off of all the NOTHING it has to offer. Now if we can just get through the Bloomsburg Fair crap we can all settle in for a miserable winter.

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