
Tuesday, January 10, 2006


”—The Good News is That According to the Mayans and the Jews the World Will End in 2012!!”
—Gombeggar, Editor


That’s right, folks. You heard it here first. The rumors are all over the streets of Hazleton that there’s a new Pigeon in the roost and this one’s not waving that Deigo flag around either! Remember folks that there ARE other ETHNIC groups in the Hazleton area, this side of Hades. But before I digress too much let’s get the word off the street about the new candidate for MAYOR of HAZLETON. His name is John Sulkevich. You’ll notice his name DOESN’T end in a vowel. He’s a local boy who’s born and bred here, a local artisan and shop owner who just wants to make Hazleton a better place for you and me. Won’t that shake the pillars of the powers that be????
John’s a noted artist that favors the American Flag as his major subject matter and ‘telling it like it is’ as passionate pastime. Sure there’s talk of Marsicano (Spelling notwithstanding) throwing his hat back in. And there’s even rattlings that MAYOR LOU might just back out of the next race for mayor all together. Guess he’s made his money (DREDGE DREAD), now it’s time crawl up the ass of the next person up the rung of the ladder he’s trying to climb in politics. Well, John Sulkevich isn’t interested in climbing any ladders or suffocating in the trousers of others. Word has it he just wants to fix Hazleton. THAT’S a tall order, but Sulkevich is a tall guy anyway, so what the HELL? I think you ALL know where HAZLETON PRAVDA’s money is bet. If John Sulkevich wants to try to make this slum of a town safe and better and prosperous for you and me, the little guy instead of cashing in for the big wig Powers-That-Be that could care less if we all slate to eat for dinner or not then all the power Mr. Sulkevich. Let’s see Hazleton taken back by Hazleton.

Although HAZLETON PRAVDA is NOT officially attached to any local political affiliation, the Staff of HP personally welcomes a change of the guard in our ‘seemingly’ corrupt local government.
—Gombeggar, Editor

“We will watch your career with great interest.” –Senator Palpatine (From one of those STARWARS movies)


Well, it’s sad news that this long drawn out process as covered by the excuse for journalism that is Hazleton’s lapdog to the Powers-That-Be, the Standard Speaker and generally swept under the local area carpet of trucking more scum and slime to this already filthy area has finally come down to a lost battle. All the backdoor dealings have long been over with the money changed hands and the ink well dry on the backs of checks so the Powers-That-Be could get a little fatter and those that aren’t forced to live in the filth muck that’s gonna bury us all can turn a carpetbagged buck.

“They’ll just say: ‘We’ll let’em have their say and just do it anyway. And that’s just what [Mayor Lou and his cronies] did anyway!” –Kaphonious

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