
Friday, June 25, 2004

Hazleton Pravda wishes to give a belated moment of recognition to all local veterans who hit the beaches on D-Day. Being solid patriots of America we believe that the men who risked their lives deserve honor and recognition for the trials they experienced overseas on the shores of France.

HASD in Lunch Debt
As I recall school lunches, there ought to be trials for crimes against humanity over the matter. Just the fact alone that kids are required to pay for that swill and slope is horrendous. Where the monies for this aspect of Hazleton schooling are going that they are in deficit is anyone’s pockets…I mean guess. Yeah, I’m just guessing that someone has a greenback-lined waistcoat.

Hazleton Wins Police Brutality Cases
Gee, the city of Hazleton won that can’t be politics, can it? Of course, these are ALLEGED cases of brutality by bad people who just were ticked off that cops came at them and striped them of all their inalienable rights. Cops never look a civilian over like he’s something to be toyed with, beaten or brutalized. They never look you in the eye and run down in their minds how many trumped-up charges they can fatten your citation with! Area police (in particular) never do anything they shouldn’t to good law abiding citizens or Mahalizie any unsuspecting women by pulling them over and blackmailing them for sex (See Mahalic: the raping cop of Freeland)! None of this happens around here. Police are here to ‘Serve & Protect’ at least that used to be their motto. Ya know, something like serve their own brainwashed agendas and protect you from yourselves with tariffs, warrants and a good club to the head? Don’t worry folks. It’s all for the public good. After all, the police are here to maintain order keeping Hazleton the gray place it is to live in. It has nothing to do with the fact that they are programmed to believe they are not above the law, but that they ARE the law. Just ask them and they’ll tell you with a thump to the head and a charge of disorderly conduct! Yeah, it was a big victory for the city of Hazleton to whitewash another couple of misconducted police ventures. Hide it under the rug boys! No one will notice the lumps after all the other garbage you guys have swept under there!

Landlord Ordinance Passed
More watered down legislature from the powers-that-be

Roach House on Alter Street Downed
So they ripped down one house? Big deal. The whole damn town should be nuked and then we can start over. Realistically, it is good that some of these Hazleton dumps are being grounded. We need to build. Get rid of the old and bring in new blood, new commercialism, new small businesses, better housing, better opportunities—anything and everything so long as it is kept out of the hands of CANT DO and local government! These things will benefit Hazleton and the surrounding areas. Oh wait, I forgot nothing gets done until the aforementioned get their pockets filled, so I guess that leaves us back at square one. Nuke em! Let Slim Pickens ride the bomb down too!

Time Share Alert!
Vacation Charters who owns Split Rock Lodge in the Poconos has put out its feelers once again to trick people into wasting their time being prodded and pushed into sucky time-shares. Split Rock is a dump to begin with! The last time around with these time-share shenanigans they begrudgingly gave away DVD players to everyone, cheap ones, but free. Now VC has learned its lesson. Now the trick is they still bug you about a time-share on the worthless property of Split Rock or any other worthless property the company may own for something like a billion dollars for life (No, that’s what YOU pay in!) and they offer you a wonderful KINYO home theater. I’ve never heard of KINYO, bet its up there with SONY—NOT! Anyway, this time around they don’t give you this chancy electronic garbage worth according to them at about $550. NO! They give it to you for a handling fee of $30! And that’s probably more then what the stuff’s worth to begin with. So don’t waste yer time. Vacation Charters is like a pyramid scheme only dumber! I mean if anyone is really bent on it then by all means go to Split Rock, but don't say I didn't warn you!

Hazleton Area Career Center is Job Ready!
Yup they’re pumping out more cattle for the CANT DO workforce. “Can’t read, son? Don’t worry! You just have to operate this heavy industrial machine for between 8 and 20 hours a day depending! Oh you went to the Career Center? Good you can fix the machine next to you on your break and later on you can run them both!”

Joseph Curto Found Dead
I dunno what to say about this. The whole story will probably never come out. Safety and guns people! Ya can’t go around shooting people without consequences unless you’re an officer of the law, however, but otherwise you just can’t!

Castle on the Hill in Limbo
Ya see, it would be good to utilize this building for anything, but of all things maybe a school? Nah! Ya see, it WOULD be good to use this building, so it’s gonna rot away under the terms of bureaucracy

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