
Wednesday, May 05, 2004

NuNetNazi Bid for Power in Hazleton
NuNet is the bastard internet provider that we at the Institute and at Hazleton Pravda just recently escaped, but not after they tried tripping us up at the Institute financially. As soon as they took over Cybercomm, a local provider for dial-up service everything went to hell! Now there in a bid to get in on Prolog’s monopoly her in THE GREATER HAZLETON AREA *trumpets*! Now I’m completely against monopolies in any form. Competition among businesses is good for the customer, but I certainly would not suggest ANYONE go for ANY NuNet services. It’s a terrible company and a waste of your money! Maybe this will resolve Service Electric Cablevision to provide better services to its customers.

Job Corp Pumps Up Local Economy
OK, according to the Standard Speaker the Job Corp is getting $12.6 mill-onions into the local economy. Great. But how much is greasing the wheels of the powers-that-be? It also says that Job Corp students are helping the community by setting up collections and teaching Spanish. Well, I think that is admirable. If more people in this area got off their asses and did a little something for others every once in a while, this might not be such a dump to live in. All you people out there hung up on the ‘Me’ generation, get over it! The seventies don’t exist outside of Hazleton!

Young Girl’s Body found
That was on Monday. Lovely area this North East PA is. Murder sells papers, I guess. I don’t understand why people are doing this all the time. It’s not safe to walk alone, or go home to your wife cuz she might have decided to take leave of her sanity for the day. Now people who go postal at the job site, well that’s different. If the factories weren’t such slave shops, and middle management such bastards then half those situations or better would not have happened.

Mother Kills Children, Lover, Self
See above comment.

Monday, May 03, 2004

UPDATE: 'Don't Leave Hazleton Campaign'
Follow the link above and vote today on the Institute Bulletin (SCROLL RIGHT when ya get there!) for the new and official Hazleton Slogan! Please vote because we here at Hazleton Pravda and the Institute wanna know what you think about Hazleton too! And by that I mean we wanna know why YOU think it sucks!

Jan Lewan Attacked in Prison
I didn't want to touch this, but it won't go away. And it seems clear to me that this whole situation is the result of Polka. Either he was trying to expose his fellow inmates to it, singing in the shower or (gawd forbid) polka-ing in his sleep!

UNUSUAL EVENT at Berwick Nukie Plant!
I was thinking about those three-eyed fish from the Simpsons cartoon, but wait it's much better then that (Note: HazPrav is NOT ruling those fish out down in Wapwallopen!). They had an electrical problem resulting in a electrical failure. Now nukie power is still the best way to generate electricity, but whether it is a good idea or not to place this kind of technology in the hands of Pennsylvanians is a completely different thing! This ain't like monkeys and Shakespeare, people! I worry.

McAdoo Subsidence Probe
They have to investigate? The answer is this: The ENTIRE AREA IS UNDERMINED and falling in on itself! Hello? Oh, for those unfamiliar, 'undermined' is a term for the city streets and blocks built over mine excavations that are weakening over time and collapsing in upon themselves. This area is loaded with that kind of forethought engineering.

New Linking Road
This is a good and bad thing. On one hand it may help traffic. On the other it is sure to make Hazleton more circular and harder to escape from.

Eagle Rock Expansion
Here's another coin-sided thing. Eagle Rock is full of cardboard houses not worth their own construction and filled with self-absorbed Hazleton Highlife that are literally eating up the mountain landscape. The landscape isn't that great, but it IS better then nothing. I know one morning that I was privy to watch a great bird (a hawk, but maybe an eagle?) flying over the mountains of one of these nearly per-fab homes. It was majestic; the bird, the pines covering the mountain and the sun bathing it all in a warm summer gaze. All that is being taken away. No room! No room! I could lead this into a huge rant about the Klinger Estates and such like that. Beautiful land being turned into suburbia. How disgusting...Enjoy! Enjoy!

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