
Friday, January 07, 2005

To begin the new year off right, let’s get right to one of (AND there are many) the biggest problems in Hazleton –The factory. Now we could go on and on and round and round about how awful the factory situation is in Hazleton. Often times Hazleton Pravda does just that, but let’s talk about an aspect of the factory and the workforce, indeed let’s zero in on something so Freudian, so Big Brother and Newspeak that it is disgusting.
Let’s talk about EUPHEMISM. We’ve touched on it before, but let’s go a little further.
EUPHEMISM is according to the dictionary the use of a less expressive or direct word or phrase for one considered distasteful or offensive OR a word or phrase so substituted.
What that means is a nice word is used to replace another one that is not so pleasant to hear.
The factory scene has been utilizing this kind of double talk to make it’s slaves (or potential slaves) feel more comfortable, easier to sway. Instead of employee, you are an ASSOCIATE, you are ASSOCIATING yerself with this great kindly CORPORATION who are naturally generous and kind to all those ASSOCIATED with said company. –Bullshit!
These days you don’t have a job in a factory. You have an ASSIGNMENT, ya know like when you were in fourth grade and had a math ASSIGNMENT? It’s kinda like that only it’s NOT. This ASSIGNMENT is barebones on yer feet labor, busy-busy-busy until the bell rings for a break or to go home. That’s it baby!
There are many other such Euphemisms in today’s workplace. Once corporations got wind of the usefulness of psychology, well it was EVEN further down hill for the working poor.
Even the words and the tones of voice that your managers or bosses use are contrived to get a response that is positive to the company’s needs and desires. Listen the next time your boss takes you on the side. There’s a reason he uses different words then you and the people on the floor that work with you. He is TRAINED to speak to you in a SUGGESTIVE MANNER that will make you more susceptible to the whims of the company.
Remember: NOTHING a factory or company does is in YOUR best interests; that goes a million times more in Hazleton!

Now on to other things…

EPA: 22 Pa. Counties Fail to Meet Clean Air Standards

The EPA was concerned with diesel engines, power plants and other sources according to the Speaker, and that the air isn’t getting dirtier, but regulations are getting stricter. Naturally they are attacking automobiles. They mention factory pollutants, but don’t go on about how many tons of foul air pollution a plastic plant in Humboldt can produce in just one (1) hour. With mine fires, no recycling and factory’s run by lunatics bent only on production no matter how many chemicals go out into the air, it’s a wonder any of us can breathe!
Maybe that’s it, maybe we as a species (of idiots) are adapting to this new environment of industrial/chemical waste. We’ll get gills to swim in the sewage with and bib big eyes because all of us hideously deformed Hazletonians will only be allowed on the night shift!

Director Questions City’s Ties with A D Thomas developer

Sounds like Mayor Lou’s got his hand in the cookie jar! Business as usual in Hazleton. Local resident Tom Gabos wanted to develop the building but funny that got shot down in favor of *trumpets please* OUTSIDE DEVELOPERS! Some folks with money out of Kingston were able to grease the wheels-that-be here in Hazleton it seems. Pretty soon Kingston/Wilkes-Barre/Scranton is gonna own Hazleton. That shouldn’t cost too much…a salt lick and a can of gravy, maybe? We’z pretty dumb down south here, uh-huh!

Deadly Hazleton Apartment Fire Ruled Arson

They call it arson, because there is no law in Hazleton against Deigo-Lightning. Nice show they’re putting on, but c’mon!

La Voz Latina Mensual: Preimer Periodico Espanol

The first Hispanic news paper still better then anything Hazleton has to offer, even (and maybe especially) if you don’t speak the language!

Eachus:Health Care to Remain Top Priority

Well, of course it will…He’s got ALL the near-dead geriatrics voting for him. The walking corpses of places like Fritzingertown can’t remember their own names, but they still got a vote! They probably write it down on a piece of paper or something then go to the ballots! So sure health care’s important. In fact that’s the major issue of Hazleton the dead-like and dying out number everybody else. That’s why pharmacies are like soda shops or arcades for the elderly here.

Standard Speaker’s New Look

Well, the Speaker updated their look…big deal…let’s try for some content next time, huh? Let’s face it, everyone knows the Speaker is the lapdog of the whoever is in power in Hazleton. They bow to the powers that be. We’ve said this countless times here at Hazleton Pravda. Others have written in saying the same thing and worse. It really is a pathetic magazine. The Times Leader laughs at the Standard Speaker. Only Panorama CAN NOT say anything against the Speaker being a WORSE, neigh LAUGHABLE excuse for the printed word.* And the Speaker only updated their layout to compete with the Times Leader who did the same thing months back! Get a grip Speaker and report the news—The REAL news!

Note: This is the FIRST Panorama crack of 2005 *giggles*

NEPA’S Sexiest People

Must have been a real short issue. However, model of the year Teressa Ruspi is a fine little brunette and worthy of the weekender’s cover. There’s just not enough talk of porn stars in the Weekender anymore though! They are lacking, really lacking in the smut department!

Quiznos in Hazleton?

Is there a Quiznos joint at the Markle Building? …Sorry THE FABULOUS MARKLE BUILDING! We at HP dunno. We at HP don’t care. Even if Quiznos makes the BEST sandwiches on Earth full of ambrosia from the gods of Mount Olympus itself, if they come to Hazleton they’re gonna be serving up slop like everywhere else, just like Ferdnand’s Family Restaurant (a.k.a. the old folks home) or the Ovalon, another slop shop. Do yerself a favor. If you live in Hazleton learn to cook.

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